Chapter 23

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SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE! Here is a longer than usual one to make up for it.

I yawned and sat up rubbing my eyes. I looked at the clock on the side of the bed and saw that I had woken up and hour early, that's good I guess....I need the alone time. I went into the bathroom and slowly pulled off my bandage before looking in the full body mirror "I love this!" slipped on white underwear and a matching bra with white knee high socks, before walking out onto to the balcony that connects to our bedroom. I looked out over the the streets, grass and flowers were lining the road giving the place a lively feeling "I love living out here" I inhaled the fresh sent and closed my eyes before relaxing against the railing, its really relaxing out here and I love how quiet it is. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the sky as I felt a rain drop on my nose, Its started to drizzle but I didn't mind
(Roman POV)
I slowly opened my eyes and realized Skylar wasn't beside me, I sit up and look around before seeing that the balcony door was cracked I relaxed before heading to the closet and putting on some boxers and black basketball shorts. I heard soft raindrops hitting the window as I got closer to the door, gripping the handle I slowly pull it open to see Sky leaning against the railing. I took in her sight from the door, my eyes scanned her body and stopped when they got to her back. She had a huge tattoo that covered her entire back and top part of her butt, it looks freaking awesome! The soft raindrops slowly slid down her body and slightly wet her hair, she ran her hand through it and stood up straight. I walked up behind her and softly placed my hands on her hips and kissed from her shoulder to her neck, she relaxed into me and placed her hands on mine "Good morning beautiful" she smiled and bit her lip "Morning, Roman" I turned her around and kissed her lips, she ran her nails softly up my arms and tangled her hands in my hair. We separated at the sound of her phone ringing "I'll be back" I watched her hips roll as she walked in the house, I waited a while before following her in. I leaned against the wall near the bathroom door with my arms crossed
'What-no! And I don't appreciate you trying to kill my husband!' she was silent for a while
'I said no! I don't fight anymore! I fixed myself and you should do the same. But I can promise you this, if I ever see your can near me again. I will not hesitate. '!' I heard her slam her phone on the counter and sigh
(Skylar POV)
I put my elbows on the counter and rested my head in my hands. It's him, after all those years he wants to avenge his brother... Who I killed in a cage match a while back, but I'm not gonna because I'm a changed person.....right? Yes! I am married with 2 kids, I don't have time to be in jail or even take the risk of being killed... "You okay?" Roman walked in and sat on the counter beside me "Yeah! Why?" He took my hands and pulled me between his legs "You sure?" I nodded and he smirked and raised an eyebrow, shit did he hear that? I kissed him and he kissed back but pulled back soon after "Nice try. I heard the conversation, Sky" I bit my lips and pulled my face away from his a little "Was he the guy in the car?" "What?" "The car you were freaking out over that day?......" "...Yeah, why?" "Just wondering" he got down but still leaned against it "What did he want?" "He wants a rematch- in a cage..." His face was suddenly filled with panic "You're not going-" "No... I'm not" he nodded and pecked my cheek "Lets get ready".
Roman and I brought our things and the girls things on the bus and waited for everyone else to show up (Dean and his 'girlfriend', Gail, The Usos and Trinity) "When did you get this?" I shrugged as he sat next to me "I think 2 or 3 days ago" I stared off into space in my own little world. I know I say that this whole situation with this guy is nothing, but I'm actually really worried....what if he tries to kill us? Or hires some one to kill us? He could kidnap one of us! Or try to! And to make matters worse, I don't even know what he looks like..... I would think that he would look like his dad but I barely remember what he looks like, Roman takes my hand "Hm?" "Are you alright?" "Yeah!" I put on a fake smile as the door to the bus opens "Dean!!" I jump up and Hug him "Hi short stuff! It's been so long!" I pulled away "This is Jane" I girl a little bit shorter than me, with red hair that stopped just above her elbow looked at me. She had green eyes and was very curvy "Hi I'm Skylar, I've heard alot about you!" I shook her hand and she smiled at me "I'm Roman, nice to meet you" he shook her hand as well "Roman..." She mumbled his name "that sounds familiar..." She thought for a while then realisation hit her and her face turned almost as red as her hair "What?" Dean looked down at her "Nothing..... Where is our room?" He led her in that direction just as the rest of the crew got on, we greeted eachother and the bus started to move. "So Jane did you ever figure out where you heard my name from?" Roman raised his eyebrows at her and Dean chuckled "Oh, I know where she heard your name from" he pointed at me "Wait, I'm confused" "Y'all were having loud ass sex when she was at your house" Gail spoke then shoved popcorn in her mouth. Everyone laughed and I hid my face in my hands "We're here guys!" The driver notified us "Thanks! See you after the show" we all grabbed our gym bags, exept Jane because she wanted to watch the girls. Once we got in the arena people stared at Roman and I, why though? Had they heard about our marriage? Probably. We went our separate ways and I checked the match card. My match was 3d, against Max..ew! I rolled my eyes and walked to my locker room "Skylar!" Speak of the devil...."What Max?" She stormed up to me "We have a match tonight! I just wanted to-" a camera man was recording"Look, I don't care. Just be prepared to get your ass kicked, this fued ends tonight" I walked away "DONT YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME!" "Too late" I got to my locker room door and pushed it open, Roman was taping his wrist whilst Dean was giving him a pep talk. I walked pass them and into the shower before quickly putting on my red and white attire "Roman!" I walked out "Yeah?" "Can you strap this , please?" I turned around and Dean gasped "What is this!" ".......a tattoo" "When and why!?" "2 days ago, be cause I felt like it" he rolled his eyes "Did you have to get one so big?" "Dean! Don't start" "Okay, sorry.." Roman strapped the back of my attire and I ran my hand through my hair "Its time for my match, you watching?" They nodded and I walked to the gorilla.
(Roman POV)
I stared at her butt as she left "Dude!" Dean hit me on the back of the head "Ow! What!? She's my wife!" He rolled his eyes and sat on the couch "Dean, what's your problem with me!" "I don't have a problem with you... Just the fact that your married to Sky" "You like her!?" "What? No, she's like a sister to me. I would never like her like that" "Oh" I thought for a moment "Then what is it?" "You have hurt her so many times-too many times actually." Skys theme went off and we looked at the TV, she walked down the ramp confidently. Max came out of no where and attacked Sky from behind, they both hit the ground and Sky immediately started throwing punches. So did Max "This is gonna be a long match.." I nodded in agreement. They separated and Sky ran at Max spearing her into the titron "Oh shit!" We cringed as Max screamed and collapsed, Skylar laid on the stage gaining her strength. I guess this was a no DQ because the reff rung the bell, Max slowly rolled on her stomach as Sky got up. She got off the edge of the stage and set up a table, before climbing back up and jogging to the ring "What is she doing?" He shrugged, she pulled a sledge hammer from under the ring "This is going to damn far! She's gonna break her bones!" I roase from my seat and raced to the gorilla, when I got there Skylar was half way up the ramp "Skylar!" I ran on stage to stop her, the crowd erupted "What, Roman!?" "Calm down! You are going to get fired if you hit her with that!" "I don't care!" I grabbed it and tried to pull it away "STOP IT ROMAN!" She fought against my strength, but I won. I threw it to the ground and she looked at me really angry "Let me finish my Match!" She looked around and saw Max crawling into the ring, she ran after her and slid in only to get tackled by Max. Again they had a fist fight, Max pushed Sky against the ropes and speared her. They both fell through the middle rope then on the floor. Max waisted no time before getting up and going at Sky again. These two have alot of built up anger! Getting a closer look I noticed the bruises on Max's back from when she got speared into the Titron... Sky clotheslined Max then ran back to the stage and picked up the hammer again "NO!" Max pushed Sky off the edge of the stage. I heard her scream before the sound of tables snapping filled the arena.....

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