Chapter 22

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"Skylar?" My eyes fluttered open to see that we were home, I got out of the car and stood in front of my house "Whose watching the kids?" "Gail...why?" "Just worried about my little girls" I smiled to myself as I unlocked the door "GAIL-" "shhhhhh!" Gail glared at Roman who just silently laughed "Where are they?" She pointed upstairs, Roman made his way to their room "What's up with you?" We sat on the couch "Well..I shot someone, almost shot Roman aaannd, I got married" she raised her eyebrows "Your relationship is to damn confusing for me" I chuckled and she just looked at me "What?" "You smile so much more, now" "Yeah...okay...when's you wedding?" "In about 2 months" "cool" "How you feeling about your whole experience?" "I know what, I don't even know how I feel anymore... I wanna get a tattoo...." She raised her eyebrows "Wow, random...but why?" I shrugged "I'm going back to work tomorrow, and I wanna make the most of today because I spend so much of my time traveling and devoting my life to this job, I just wanna do something for me. You know?" "Yeah...but why a tattoo?" "I don't know. You coming?" "Yeah" I ran upstairs "Ro-" he was asleep in the chair next to the girls cribs "Okay.." I closed the door and went down stairs "Well, lets go then" we took Gails car and drove into town.
We pulled in front of this tattoo shop and got out "What are you getting Gail?" She shrugged "Probably just a piercing, you?" "I don't know, but I want something on my back" we walked in and were greeted by a tall girl with blue and purple hair, her body was covered in tattoos and piercings "Hi, I'm Star! What can I get you today?" "Can I look through your book of tattoo Ideas?" She nodded and reached under the counter before handing it over, we looked through until I saw one that I really liked. It was Roses and vines that will probably extend down my back "Can I get this one?" She looked "Yeah! It's around 300$" "That's fine with me" she led me over to a table "I need you to take your shirt and bra off" she turned around and I did as told, then pressed my shirt to my chest and laid on my stomach "Done" she turned around "Do you want color?" "No" Gail came in with a stressed look on her face and sat in the chair beside me "Whats wrong?" "Seth" she mouthed to me, I rolled my eyes "What about him?" "Later" I nodded "You ready?" "Yeah" I heard a buzzing sound and she started "Oh, shit" she chuckled, this shit hurts! I rested my head on the table and listened to Gail and Star conversation "Don't go to sleep, Sky" "Right, cause I totally can go to sleep while being repeatedly stabbed in the back" Star laughed while Gail pinched me "Ow!" "Should I cut my hair?" "No. Your hair is long and luscious" she gave me a look "Okay then....your bleeding" I raised my eyebrows "Am I really?" "Why are you so sarcastic today?" "Cause I'm in pain" she rolled her eyes

(2hours later)
"We are almost done" "Praise Jesus. Gail what time is it?" "Almost 3 pm, why?" "Just asking" "Done" I sighed in relief "My back.. is so fucking sore!" "You'll be fine! It was worth it, its cool as hell!" She helped me up and I pressed the shirt to my chest, we walked over to the mirror and I glanced back and saw it "Oh my god..." I gasped "Do you like it?" Star appeared in the mirror beside me "Hell yeah, its gorgeous" "Good! You have a high tolerance for pain" "Thank you?" She rubbed ointment all down my back and put a huge bandage over it "Should take about 2 to 3 weeks to heal, maybe even four. But keep the bandage on for 24 hours" "Okay, thank you so much!" Gail handed me my wallet and I gave star the money "You're welcome, thanks for coming" I carefully slid my shirt over my head, I'm not putting my bra back on until I take the bandage off. We walked to the car and this time Gail drove us home, when we got there our bags were packed and at the door. Roman sat on the couch watching the girls play "Thank you so much Gail, I'll call you later!" "Okay, see you tomorrow" we hugged and she went home "Hi Roman" I sat beside him and he wrapped his arms around me, I flinched when he touched my back "What? What's wrong?" "Nothing, I'm okay" he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine "We have to go back tomorrow" Roman pulled me into his chest "I figured, I took off way more time than I should have" "Yeah. What were you doing in that time?" "It doesn't really matter" "Yeah-" "I don't want to talk about it....." He sighed "I love you, Roman" I waited "Are you hungry? I know I am" I snatched myself from his arms "I'm going to give the girls a bath. Come on babies!" They looked at me then followed behind me as I walked to the bathroom. Why didn't he say he loved me back... He is really confusing me, first he married me right after I try to kill him. Then he tells me how much he loves me and can't live without out, but when I said I love him he changed the damn subject! I ran the water warm and waited for the tub to fill up, once it did I took if their dresses and put them in the water "Mommy missed you, did you miss mommy?" Serenity clapped and Scarlet smiled at me "Y'all are so cute! It's almost your birthday, then you'll be 1. So have to learn to walk, okay?" I rinsed the soap off and wrapped them in towels before walking in my bedroom and putting them on the bed "Mommy is never leaving you with uncle Seth again. So I'm gonna get a bus before tomorrow and your gonna travel with Me, Daddy and uncle Dean. Maybe Auntie Gail. " they were nodding off as I got them dressed in pink footies with a white letter S on the stomach. By the time I finished they were already asleep so I just carried them to their room and placed them in the cribs, I silently left the room and headed to my bathroom. Roman was sitting on the bed when I walked in, walking right past him I closed and locked the bathroom door. I turned on the shower before stripping down and getting in with back away from the shower, I rubbed soap all over me and felt strong hands slid from the small of my back to my inner thigh. Roman placed kisses on my shoulder then up to my neck "I'm sorry, I love you so much. It's just alot has happened.... A lot" he whispered in my ear as his hands inched closer to my area. I bit my lips and clutched his hands "Stop" a deep chuckled vibrated through his chest "You don't want me too" I couldn't deny that....he massaged my area and I moaned softly in a trance. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes taking in the pleasure "What happened?" "hhhhmmm?" "Why do you have a huge bandage on your back?" He stopped and I was brought down to earth. I looked up at him and his worried eyes caught mine "What? Oh! I'm fine, you'll see soon enough why its there" he looked at me confused before putting soap on him self. We both rinsed off and got out, I dried off and got in the bed "You aren't gonna put on any clothes?" I raised my eyebrows "Do you want me to?" "No, you look amazing" I playfully rolled my eyes as he came over and got in bed "Good night Roman-" I paused and hesitantly added "I love you" he turned to me and kissed me passionately "I love you too"

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