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Happy Birthday Taylor! Hope your day is great, and hope you love the story!

Brandon's piece was beautiful. It was amazing. Truly. This was all I could think about, even after they had announced Brandon as the winner, and moms had gone home early, leaving us here alone. Even after Brandon had introduced me to his friends, and his teachers. Even after I had learnt some of the Idyllwild inside jokes. Mind you, there weren't many since they were all too focused on the music. Even after everything, Brandon's piece is the only thing on my mind.

"Callie?" Brandon said, sitting down next to e on the old, saggy couch in one of the cabins.
"Yeah, sorry." I said, pulling myself out of my thoughts. "I was just thinking."
"Okay well I figured that we should probably leave in like twenty minutes or half an hour if we want to be home by curfew." He said. I nodded and looked at my watch. He was right.
"Okay, sounds good to-" I was cut off by a very, very loud rumble of thunder that made the whole cabin shake. I looked over at Brandon.
"That wasn't in the weather for cast." I said. Just then it started to downpour. All at once it seemed that all the rain in all the world was falling here and now.
"Shit," Brandon said, standing and looking out the window. "There's no way we can drive back in this." I stood and looked out next to him, I couldn't see anything. The rain was so thick it was like buckets the size of the sun pouring water continually over Idyllwild.
"What are we going to do?" I asked, shutting the curtain over my side of the window. "Moms are expecting us to come home tonight." I sat back down but Brandon stayed standing at the window, hands on his hips, staring out into the storm.
"It's a perfect storm," He whispered, so quietly I almost didn't hear him.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing. Never mind." He sat back down next to me and pulled out his phone. "I'll call mom, see what she thinks." He said. I nodded and sat back. His volume was loud enough that I could hear the conversation even though I didn't have the phone pressed to my ear.
"Hello?" Stef said. "Brandon? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, mom. It's fine. I don't know what it's like in San Diego but it's completely down pouring here. There's thunder, lighting. The storm is right over us." He said. I was about to comment about the fact that we hadn't actually seen any lightning yet, when though the curtained off windows, there was a flash of light. Freaky timing.
"Huh. That's so weird, it's clear as a day here." Stef said. She sounded skeptical.
"Mom, I'm serious this isn't some elaborate scheme to-" He was cut off by another deafening crack of thunder. "Believe me now?" He asked.
"Yup. Now I believe you." She said. I laughed. "Is Callie there?"
"I'm here, I called into the phone. "It's pouring and cold." I said in a fake whiny voice. Brandon scoffed and shot me a smile.
"Look there's no way we can drive back in this, what are we supposed to do?" He said. "It's getting late."
"Well you can stay at Jenna's cabin tonight." Mom said. "We were supposed to, but we just decided to come home. Actually, I think the keys are still in Lena's car." I sighed a breath of relief.
"Okay, great. Um, where is it?" Brandon asked.
"It's right near you guys, I'll text you the address."
"Okay, sounds good." Brandon said, "we'll come home tonight if it clears up in time but if not, expect us sometime tomorrow morning."
"Alright. Please, please, behave yourselves. And stay safe. And don't stay up to late, and-"
"Yeah, we got it mom. Thanks." He said.
"Okay, bye love." Mom said.
"Bye mom." Brandon hung up the phone and stood up. "Well, I guess we are staying up here tonight."
I nodded.
"Yeah, I heard." I said.
"Okay, so that's okay with you?" He asked, looking at me nervously. I shrugged.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be." I responded. Now he shrugged.
"I don't know. Just checking." He unlocked his phone and opened up the map to see where we were going.
"Huh." He said.
"What?" I asked, moving closer to him so that I could see the screen. I couldn't help but notice all the parts of us that were touching. Our thighs, our shoulders, our hands. It sent bolts of electricity through my veins.
"That's it?" I asked, pointing to the dot on the screen. He nodded.
"But that's like an hour away." I said, stating the obvious.
"I guess moms thought it was closer." He said.
"So what are we going to do?" I asked, pushing myself up off the couch to look out the window again. The weather was still horrible. Worse than I'd seen in years.
"Well, they close up the lodge soon, so I guess we could wait it out in the car, try and get some sleep or just hang out until it stops raining, and then we can drive to the cabin." He suggested. It sounded a better idea than any.
"Yeah, okay." I said. And sure enough, a few minutes later, some people who worked at Idyllwild came to kick us out so they could close the place for the night. Brandon and I gathered our things and ran out to the car, trying to get as little of us wet as possible.
"You okay?" He asked once we were safe inside of Brandon's car. I nodded.
"Just cold." I said, running my hands up and down my arms. In a swift motion, Brandon reached over into the back seat and pulled out a sweater. He reached over and tugged in over my head, pulling my hair out from under it after he had gotten it over my head.
"Better?" He asked. I nodded and curled up into the sweater. It was this white-ish knit one, and it smelled like him. I was immediately wrapped up in his comfort. I closed my eyes and leaned back. For a while, neither of us said anything, but the silence wasn't comfortable, like it normally was between us. Their was obvious tension, and it was building.
"Listen, Brandon." I said, opening my eyes once more and turning to face him. He looked me in the eye, concern spread across his featured. "I have to tell you something, and I need you not to get mad at me, or to hate me." I said. He sighed and leaned across the center control to grab my hands, his thumb tracing small circles in my palm.
"Callie, I could never hate you. What's going on?" He asked. His voice was sweet and comforting, it made me feel at home.

Screaming and Fighting and Kissing in the Rain | Brallie One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now