Yugioh GX dumb short comedy fan fic
"Jaden, why do we go to a school that teaches us how to play card games?... It seems pointless." Syrus asked his friend, tucking his chin into his neck.
"That's 'cuz it IS pointless, Sy." The Slifer Red student replied bluntly, while laying on his bed shuffling his Hero deck.
"Oh..." the blue haired boy mumbled "Do you know why Chazz is constantly trying to get us to join the Society of Light?"
Jaden cocked his head over to his curious friend with a rather irritated expression. "Because he's a moron. Why else? Now stop asking stupid questions and get me a sandwich." The kuriboh-style haired boy snapped, returning his gaze back over to his deck.
"You know Jaden... You're a jerk."
"Kthnx... Now go and get it already."
"JOIN THE SOCIETY OF LIGHT TODAY, AND GET 50% OFF YOUR FIRST MONTH OF BEING IN THE SOCIETY OF LIGHT!" A pale, spiky black haired teen, wearing a white school uniform, suddenly popped up in front of them. As if from thin air.
"What the Game Gods are you doing, Chazz?! Get the Hell out of here before I kick you out!" Jaden hissed, nearly passing out from the surprise. Syrus was now clinging onto his angry friend with all of his might, his joints rattling from fear. Jaden quickly gripped his jacket though, and threw him to the floor.
"But the Society of Light welcomes you with open arms! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to join the socie-" Chazz was then cut off when his jaw was punched fiercely, and sent him straight to the floor in a daze.
"Get... Out..." Jaden seethed, his fist still thrust forward from the blow he dealt.
"Fine, but you haven't heard the last of me, Jaden!" He ensured him, springing back to his feet and exiting through their window.
A pause halted the two remaining students for a moment.
"How did he unlock our window-"
"Don't even ask..."
Suddenly their roommate, Tyranno, wearing a T-Rex bandana around his black dread locks and a Ra Yellow uniform over his body, came barging into the room in a hurry. "TURN ON THE TV!" The tan teen exclaimed urgently, throwing the two off the bunk bed and searching frantically for the remote. "Where's the clicker?!" He threw the two a serious panic filled glare.
"What's the matter, Tyranno?!" Syrus asked him, with worried eyes pleading for a response.
"Yeah, man, what's the deal?! Ya actin' wack yo!" Jaden shouted, trying his best to be gangster but failing miserably.
"MY LITTLE DINO IS ON AND I NEED TO WATCH IT!" Tyranno yelled, tears welling in his brown eyes.
The two Slifer Reds looked at him like he was as crazy as their teacher Crowler... Which he was... "My Little-what?"
"IT'S ON THE DINO NETWORK! QUICK, TURN THE TV ON, PRIVATE!" He came barreling past the boy to press the power button located directly on the Television. Tyranno then sat down on the bunk bed to stare devotedly at the rainbow filled screen with cartoon dinosaurs on it.
Tyranno wasn't the brightest bulb.., but at least he was better than Chazz...
"HEY! IT'S ME, YUGI! AND I WANT YOU TO JOIN THE SOCIETY OF LIGHT!" That familiar persistent voice came zapping through Jaden and Syrus's ears again.
This time, Chazz had broken into their dorm in a pathetic attempt to get them to join his leader's society while wearing a cheap unconvincing mask of Yugi Muto: 'The King of Games', as they would call him.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" Jaden snapped violently at him, while Syrus just face palmed.
"But it's me, Yugi Moto, the best card playing teen in the world, next to Chazz Prinstine! And I'm telling you personally that you should join the society of light!" He announced in his fake impersonation.
Jaden was now boiling with rage as he whipped his head over to Tyranno, who was indulged in his animated feature about dinosaurs who befriend each other. "Hey, Dingleberry! Get this nut outta here!" He commanded with an expression that was the epitome of 'irritated'.
"Shh! Rainbow Claw is having a discussion with Pinky Scale!" He hushed him, placing his finger over his lips and then turning his attention back to the screen. If you listened hard enough, you could hear Jaden's brain whistling like a teapot on the brink of bursting. His face was red as his jacket, and his eyebrow twitched in pure rage.
The Slifer brunette had finally had enough. "GET OUT!" He yelled so loudly that his words echoed across the academy, disrupting Zane Truesdale's daily sunset watching briefly. Suddenly, Jaden whipped out his deck and duel disk, and placed the Winged Kuriboh card on the mechanism. It flashed and summoned a hologram into the air, which took the form of a fuzzy brown fur ball with large round eyes and pudgy white wings.
"Kuri!" It chirped in happiness.
"Shut up... NOW KILL THESE IDIOTS, KILL THEM ALL BECAUSE IM THE MAIN CHARACTER AND I CAN DO THAT!" Jaden commanded, and as such, the monster nodded and squeaked loudly, sending a ray of light to engulf the entire dorm.
"W-Where am I?..." Jaden asked, as his question echoed across the white walls back at him.
"You're in The process of returning to season one, Jaden Yuki..." A strange deep voice bellowed all around him.
"You are about to return to the first season, because you wanted to be away from your friends... And be because you are the main character, you are being granted your wish and are returning to a time where both Chazz and Hasselberry cease to exist ... As they have not been created by the crack writers yet..."
"Oh thank God, now I can be free from those idiots..." Jaden wiped his forehead free of sweat, and felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders, relieving him.
"However... You will have to go through the pain of hearing Chumly's constant grilled cheese sandwich jokes again, and you will endure through the pointless non stop filler episodes that plagued the entire season once more..."
The Slifer's heart sank into his stomach, overwhelming dread creeping up on him. "No... NO! I can't go through that again! Please take me back to season 2, I'm begging you!"
A moment of silence engulfed him, as the voice didn't respond right away. "As you wish..."
Another flash of white light blinded him, as he reopened his brown eyes he gazed upon the faces of Tyranno, Chazz, and even little Syrus, who were standing around him looking concerned.
"What are you doing, slacker? You just space out for no reason on us?" Chazz said, wiping his concerned looked from his face and replacing it with his usual smugness.
"You okay, Jay? You seemed pretty out of it, I hope you're not fighting something..." Syrus chimed in, briefly running his hand over Jaden's forehead to feel any heat. Tyranno just stared at him, concerned.
Jaden suddenly lifted himself up, and embraced all three of his friends in a warm hug. "I'LL NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT YOU GUYS EVER AGAIN!" he announced, crying with joy that he was back "At least if Chumley never comes back..."
"Hey Jay, do you know where Alexis is, by the way?" Syrus asked, while Jaden pulled away.
The end
It's true, no one cares about Alexis lol!