My Medication, My Addiction, My Intervention

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Lol the title sounds like a FOB song XD


With a sharp breath in, I began quietly slinking back in the direction of the house. My heart wanted to erase everything I'd just seen from my memory, but my mind had other plans.

Once they leave, I'll tell Emma and Hook what they did. I may not have much knowledge on the circumstances of what they did, but I know that it can't have been good.

What they do when no one is looking, the sick injection I just watched Piper go through. It did something, and they did it for a reason. But what I need is to figure out what that reason is, and fast. Whatever that syringe contained was bad news.

We fear needles as kids and avoid them as adults, all because we know what they're capable of.

The door barely creaked as I slid inside, the sudden rush of warm causing me to shrug off my jacket. I heard conversation in the other room, and I looked, only to find Piper and that Luna girl chatting it up with Emma and Hook.

Like they didn't just shove a needle into Piper's arm. What the Hell is going on? I reentered the room quietly, listening to their conversation.

"So, Luna, not to be insensitive, but you really have no clue who your parents are or how you have magic?" Emma questioned with a sympathetic look.

Luna cocked her head to the left and furrowed her eyebrows for a moment before she answered.

"No, I've never known my birth parents. Hell, I don't remember anything before the night of my 17th birthday. All I know is, I went out, got a little bit drunk, woke up the next morning and BAM! I almost burn my apartment down," she chuckled and gazed wistfully into the distance.

Looking over at Hook, I noticed he seemed deep in thought over something as he stared at Luna and watched her tell her story. There was a sudden gleam of something in his eye, something like realization, and he quickly stood up.

"Well, I-uh must be going for now. It was good seeing you all," he nodded and headed towards the door at a brisk pace.

Seeing the obviously suspiciousness of his actions, I followed Jones outside.

Once the door was closed, I mustered my question. "What the Hell happened back there?"

Killian shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I'm not sure, but that Luna girl isn't who she says she is. She doesn't know who her parents are, that much was the truth, but there's something else about her...She seems so familiar..."

He paused for a moment, his thoughts fully occupying his attention. Suddenly, his eyes went wide, and he gave me a fearful look. "Henry, that girl. I remember her now. She...She fought alongside the lost boys against my crew many times...She's from Neverland...She's here for Piper."

My breath escaped me for a moment before I realized the meaning of his words. Panic instilled in my mind, I rushed back to the door and flung it open.

Before I had the chance to go back inside, Hook grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "Henry, going back in there and confronting that demon is a death sentence. We need to surprise her if we want to get the truth out of her."

I'd lost my sense for a moment, but now, I understood Hook's words. Carefully, I nodded and went back inside, giving Jones one last glance before the door shut. He seemed thoughtful, and even though I knew there was something he wasn't telling me, I couldn't be bothered to press him right now.

I walked back into the living room only to bump into mom, who was just leaving the room. "Woah there, kiddo, what's goin on?"

"Oh, nothing. Where are Piper and Luna?" I kept a straight face, not wanting to give away the worry in my mind.

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