Broken Dreams

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The boy looked straight into the light. It was so bright it hurt his beautiful blue eyes. Before he could even realise what happened, everything went black.

2 days before

Dan's pov

Dan was spending his night watching supernatural. He started watching it yesterday and he was totally hooked. Phil was in his room editing the video they had just filmed. It crossed his mind how it would be if Phil was here. Then he could cuddle up against him and they cou- no. He shouldn't think about him like that. They had been friends for years now and he was not going to screw that up.


Apparently he had fallen asleep with his laptop still resting on his lap. Then he heard a soft knocking on his door. "Dan are you asleep? Dan? I'm sorry to bother you but can I come in?" Phil said in a soft voice.
"It's okay, sleep well" and he heard him walk away . He leaped of his bed and burst out of his room. "Phil? What's wrong?"
Phil turned his head with a surprised expression. "Oh," he said.
"I I know it's silly but I had a bad dream a-and I wanted to ask if-f I could like.. you know..err... stay with you tonight?" Dan didn't respond.
"It's okay I understand." He turned around and was heading towards his own room.
" nO. Wait. I mean yes. I mean you can stay in my room for the night"
"Yeah sure why not?"
Phil's whole face lit up with a smile that was so beautiful and bright that it seemed to lighten up the whole corridor. It was a smile that made his heart melt and he couldn't help but smile back.
He turned around and walked back into his room. Phil followed him. They lay down in Dan's bed and he closed his eyes. After a while he opened them again and caught Phil staring at him. The blue eyed boy didn't look away. Dan felt a sudden urge to lean forward and kiss him. But there was something inside him that kept him from doing it. He closed his eyes again and fell asleep. When he woke up he found Phil's head resting on his chest. He didn't remember falling asleep like this but oh well... It wasn't that bad.

"Phil, Philll, Phiilllll. Pssshhh, wake up."
"Huh what." He opened his eyes.
"Wake up. We've got things to do"
"You mean scrolling through your Twitter for hours and then watch another season from Free!"
"Yes, that's exactly what I mean."
Phil laughed and got up.
"Well I'm going to make some breakfast. I'm hungry." he said and walked away to the kitchen.

Dan stood up and walked over to his closet, picked the darkest clothes he could find and straightned his hair. He was sometimes slightly jealous of Phil who had naturally straight hair himself He looked in the mirror and saw how the last brown curl of hair disappeared as soon as it was flattened by Phil's straightner.

When he walked towards the kitchen it smelled like burned toast.
Once he was there he saw the mess Phil had made and tried not to laugh.
"Don't laugh at me!" Phil said frustrated. "I was trying to make breakfast for the two of us but I think I broke the toaster."
"How on earth did you manage to do that?" Dan said, still smiling.
"I have no idea. But there's no more bread leftover so I guess we'll have to eat cereal just as usual."
"It's fine Philly."
"Yeah sure. If you say so." He looked at Dan. "Anyways, what are your plans for today besides spending most of your hours on the Internet?"
"Well I thought maybe we could do a live show on You Now toghether?"
"Yeah that'll be fun."
"And there also was this anime I wanted to show you"
"Okay. What is it called?"
"Err.. I forgot. Wait I'll look it up on my computer." Dan walked to his own room where his Mac book was on the floor beside his bed. He picked it up and walked to the living room where Phil already had taken a seat on the couch. He put on the anime he had wanted to show Phil and they watched it for hours. After they finished the second season, they went on doing what they normally did. Responding on comments, editing video's, scrolling through their twitter. Sometimes Dan looked over at Phil to see him typing on his laptop.
It was almost evening when he suggested to do the live show he had talked about this morning.
He started You Now and twittered: "Going live in a few minutes."
He put on the web cam and he saw him and Phil appear on the screen. A few people were already online and he new that soon there would be more. He prepared himself for the weird request and awkward questions and started talking.
"Hello. How are you guys?"
"Hey," Phil said.
They talked on for an hour and then quit.

Phil walked away. When he came back he had put on his jacket.
"What are you going to do?" Dan asked.
"I gotta do some grocery shopping. There's no more bread left over since I burned the last of it this morning. And we're also running out of cereal. Actually the fridge is almost empty."
"Okay. Do I need to come with you? You know, it's evening and it's almost dark."
"I can take care of myself Dan."
"Okay, just be careful."
He didn't knew why he was so overprotective, but he just had this weird feeling in his stomach.
"It's okay Dan. I'll be back in probably less than an hour."
"Fine, just come straight home after you're done promise?"
"Yeah, yeah. I promise," Phil smirked and turned around to walk towards the door. Dan reminded himself that he should tell him another time to stop smirking like that. It always made his heart ache in a certain way.
He heard Phil walking away and the door of the apartment building shut.

A/n: Hey guys. So this is basically the first fanfic thing I've ever wrote. In the upcoming chapters there's going to be some triggering stuff as selfharm. If you're really sensitive for those things. PLEASE DO NOT READ FURTHER. I will let you know when there will be a possibly triggering part by putting these: '***' before it starts. When it appears again, you'll know it is over. At the end I will give you a short summary about what happened in that part.

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