Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV
When I woke up from my nap, everyone was already back at the dorm.  At least, I thought everyone was back. When I walked out of my room, everyone besides Hoseok was in the living room. "Taehyung, we have to tell you something." Suga said to me as he saw me first.

"What is it...?" I said with a half eaten banana in my hand because I was hungry for a snack and it was right there.  "Uh, Hoseok is on hiatus from the group." Rap monster said as I went to go sit by Jimin. "O-oh... Well, he probably wasn't comfortable since he couldn't remember anything."  I said, trying to not show how upset I was, and just acting normal.

Jimin looked at me and laid his head on my shoulder. "What's with you guys?" Jungkook asked us. "Can we tell the truth to them at least?" Jimin whispered in my ear and I nodded.

"TaeTae and I are dating." Jimin said happily and I just stayed quit, nodding along. "Oh, uh congrats...? But didn't you like Hoseok?" Jin asked and suga nodded in agreement.

"I'm over him." I said bluntly, it wasn't the truth though. "Oh, okay. Then, congrats." Jin said. "What about you and Jungkook?" I asked Jin, "Are you guys dating yet?" I added on.

Their faces both turned completely red and they both nodded. "Finally." I said with a smirk on my face. Jin and Jungkook pretty much had the same situation as Hoseok and I used to have, except everyone knew and made it heard with the members. So the members would try to help.

Why couldn't Hoseok and my relationship end like that? My smirk faded as I started to think. "Taehyung, stop!" Jimin slapped me lightly on the arm, "What did I tell you earlier?" It's like he knew what I was thinking. I smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not sad."

"Look at you guys being all lovey dovey. That's good for you, Taehyung. You've got to forget about Hoseok for real." Rap monster said to me. But I couldn't help but wonder what Hoseok was doing right now.

Hoseok's POV
I decided to rent an apartment, Hyun Hye was helping me pay for it though. I didn't want my parents or sister to find out I lost my memories. "Here it is." Hyun Hye said as we arrived at the apartment.

"Thanks." I said to, smiling. "Oh, uh... About the variety shows and interviews, you can't talk about me anymore on them?" She asked me. "Don't worry, once I get my memories back or if it takes too long, I'm just gonna go back and become solo. "I assured her.

"You'll get your memories back... I can't wait till then." She mumbled but I decided to ignore it. I was scared it would end up bad if I went on.

"I'll wait, then. Oh, and can I spend the night here tonight? I kind of got kicked out of my house from my roommate." Hyun Hye asked. "Why'd you get kicked out?" I asked. "Reasons. I promise I won't do anything here." She told me.

I ended up blushing because it was embarrassing staying in the same apartment as a girl who isn't related. "Sure you can." I answered her. "Great! Thanks! Make sure you make me seem like a great girlfriend when you go on shows." She said as she sat her purse down.

"Why do you keep bringing that up?" I finally asked. "Uh, just so people can know that Jhope is taken." Jhope? Oh, right, that was my stage name. I nodded and smiled, "That's fine." She then hugged me, "I'm gonna get ready to sleep."

"Alright, you can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." I told her and she nodded. With that I went and got ready for bed too.

Taehyung's POV
I went back to my room and Jimin went with me, "It is pretty empty without-" he stopped himself before he finished. "I like it better like this." I said, trying to fool myself.

Jimin sat on my bed beside me, "I'm sorry." I shook my head, "I'm fine." I laid my head on Jimin's shoulder as a pillow, not because he's my boyfriend, just because I was used to doing that.

We ended up falling asleep like that...

(A/N: Thanks for reading so far!! Please comment and vote for this chapter!! I even put JinXJungkook in it cuz they are one of my otps in the band too XD)

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