Jane meeting the rest of L8 (Elite)

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It was so much fun!

And them bargaining me to eat so much so that I would turn fat would NEVER happen.



All thanks to my fast metabolism, I could eat as much as I want without caring. Ha! And they don't know that. Well, they didn't need to know that because I'll be enjoying their treats for me. Haha! Oh my sweet yummy plan.


Chapter 7:

The following morning in school..

"I had a beautiful dream last night! I was Cinderella and my prince charming was Chace Crawford and we lived happily ever after, then I woke up" Sab said happily while picking out books from her locker.

We were in front of our lockers preparing for the next subject.

"Me, I had a weird dream, I was walking down hollywood, then suddenly I was runway modeling, then I was walking out of a Forever 22 store, and it goes on, and on, and on. And in the last part of my dream, I was walking through our house's corridor then into my room. Then I woke up." Jaime explained.

"I had a nightmare last night!" Nathan said. He does kind of look glum today. Perhaps he didn't get much sleep last night.

"Oh you always have nightmares Nathan"  Jaime said.

"But it was so terrifying that I thought it was real." Nathan said looking rather pale than usual.

"And what was your dream about this time?" Sab asked worriedly.

"It was here at school. And then suddenly, the lights all turned off. Then, it was back on and I was left in the middle of the hallway. Then, off. Then, on. And everytime it turns on it seems like it wasn't the school's corridor anymore, like it was some dungeon or abandoned jail or something 'cause there were railings ang chains everywhere. And it never stopped. Suddenly, all the walls started to emit blood out of nowhere so I panicked 'cause the blood was like acid so I ran and ran and ran but the corridor seemed endless so I stopped to catch my breath. Then, there was this hair raising scream. Then, I felt the acid blood all around me.." Suddenly, Nathan stopped and hesitated to continue his story.

"And then what?" Sab, Jaime and I asked at the same time.

"Then I woke up." Nathan said sheepishly

"That's it?" Jaime asked.

"That is pretty scary, don't you thing Alexa?" Sab defended.

"Yeah. good thing you woke up."

"It is a good thing alright, 'cause if haven't woken up I could've.. drownedinmyasdfghjklopiyu."

"What?" I asked.

"I said, I could've drownedinmysister'surine.."

"could you go any slower." Jaime said.

"I could've drowned in my sister's urine" He finally said it.

We were all like


Then, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" That should've just been Jaime, Sab and I's laugh but Ricky laughed out too, so I guess he's been hearing our conversation for a while now.

"Dude, your sister's urine saved your damn life! HAHAHAHAHA!" Ricky said while patting Nathan's back.

"You shouldn't really let your little sister sleep in the same bed as you, you know." Jaime scolded him, yet she's still laughing.

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