Chapter 9

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"Oh hey! Sure?" Ty said
"Okay about Amy" I said scared he would walk away.
" I really don't want to talk about it Tara" he said
"No you need to know something" I said almost in a frustrated yell.
" he said in these words. word  by word." "well oh I just knew Ty would be mad that we kissed and than I would ruin your relationship. I want revenge Amy you hurt me you broke my heart and now you will know how I felt and than it will get worse I will take away all of your friends." I said.
"He is evil Ty" I added.
" I'm going to kill him" Ty said.
"And I need to see how Amy is doing" he Said than walked out.
Ty's P.O.V
" Amy!" I shouted.
" hey Ty?" She said with a worried face.
"I'm sorry for getting upset with you Amy I love you" I said feeling like an idiot.
"I love you too Ty." She said

Really short chapter sorry. And if you type up heartland fanfiction guess who's book is second?🙋
Let your friends know about the book. Vote comment. I'm having a hard time thinking of things to make this book more interesting. Any suggestions?
Love you guys✌️❤️

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