Midnight Memories; Jack G. (Part 1)

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"You can stop treating me like a little girl mom, I think I can manage my own fucking life." you roll your eyes.

You've been arguing with your mom for the last twenty minutes about how she wants you to live life, and honestly you were done with it.

You wanted to be a musician and study music but she, nor anybody understood that. They wanted you to become "someone in life" but their was nothing else that passionated you more like; music.

"Don't speak to me like that (y/n), I'm just saying what's best for you!"

"What's best for me? You know what's best for me? If you leave me the hell alone, and let me live my god damn life how I want to live it."

"Just because you're my mom... Doesn't mean you have to control me forever."

Was the last thing you said before you stormed out of the house.

You didn't mean to be rude, or disrespect your own mom. But you couldn't bite your tongue anymore.


You decided to go to the river and sit down on a big rock you found near some bushes by the water, you ran away from home once and you happened to find it.

You called it your "thinking rock."

Gently listening to the waves, the wind beautifully blowing your hair in different directions, and the smell of fresh rain from last night hit your senses.

You smiled as you in healed and out healed, feeling the chills running down to your spine. You finally felt free and oh how amazing it felt feeling with no worry, nor like a heavy weight on you.

As you were enjoying the moment you felt your phone vibrate; proximately the tenth time now.

"It's probably my mom," You groan.

You sigh as you slide the screen put your code in and look down at your notifications.

And yes.

7 missed calls, 3 voicemails, and 6 text messages.

All from your mom, but one text message was from Jack.

From; Jack

Hey baby, just wanted to see how you were. :) x

To; Jack

Not good tbh :/

From; Jack

What happend?:( x

To; Jack

Long story, but can you come over?

From; Jack

Of course, I'll come over. :)

To; Jack

I'm not at home though, I'm at the place. x

From; Jack

Alright, I'll be there in 10 xx

The only person that knew about "the place" was Jack, and you intended to keep it that way.


The minutes past and you hear someone walking towards where you are,


"Hi Jack,"

You move over so he can sit down on the rock.

"So what happened?" he places his knees on his chest.

"My mom.." you groan as you start to play with the grass.

He already knew about the whole situation with your mom and family, and he was the only person there for you if you ever got into an argument with either of them.

"Come on it's alright, you know you don't have to listen to her. It's not worth it," he rubs your back.

You shrug, "I know but it's just so frustrating that I have to listen to her bullshit every single day."

He nods. "Come on,"

He says as he helps you stand up.

"W-Where are we going?"

"We aren't going to my house, are we?" you raise an eyebrow.

He denies. "No, I got something else in plan." he smirks.

He grabs your hand and leads you to his car.



After a couple minutes of driving you both ended up in the fair grounds, since the fair was there for a week.

You look out the car window. "The fair?" you turn to him.

He nods, "you need a distraction and I thought this would cure it." he chuckles.

You peck his lips and smile. "You're the best."

You both get out the car and start heading into the fair.



After a lot of junk food eating, competing against each other to see who's best, riding a shit load of rides, and enjoying each others company. It was time to go since it was closing time,

You two come out of there bursting out laughing all the way to the car.

"That. Was. Incredible." you say between your breath, obviously trying to catch it.

"Oh! But we're not quite done yet my darling," he smirks taping your nose with his finger.

"What are you planning now?" you chuckle.

"Nothing major," he shrugs.

You roll your eyes playfully.

"You'll just have to see."


I honestly have no idea where I am going with this :) wow.

I have an idea for it but idunno we'll see tehe.x

:: Here some questionssss ::

1.) Summer or Winter?

2.) Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez?

3.) Miley Cyrus or Nicki Minaj?

4.) 5SOS or 5H? (*smirks*)

5.) Kanye for president or not?

6.) Favorite ships?

7.) Who's your sunshine?

I don't even know why I even asked some of these lmao.


I hope you're doing great! Smile today, 'cause you deserve to be happy and you have an awesome smile.


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