Surprise; Matthew E.

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You were really missing Matthew these past weeks because he was on the Magcon tour and you two haven't spoken since the day he left, And both of you had an argument before he left. You were missing him so much words couldn't describe, So you thought that you would suprise Matt at their next Stop which was in Washington D.C. You decided to text Nash, Nash was your really close friend since you were both little kids, He's even the one that introduced Matt to you.

"Hey Loser, I miss you Buddy! I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna go up to see you guys! I Really Miss Matt, And I just wanted to suprise him. Would you mind picking me up from the airport? But don't tell anyone especially Matt that you're gonna pick me up or comming to visit him He texts you back saying

"Hey Midget! I Miss you too, And also Matt. Because he hasn't been himself since you two had that last argument, He's always been talking about you, He's even cried, But I'm Glad you're comming over here to see him! I'll pick you up as soon as you get here and don't worry I won't say a peep! See you in a few days, Midget! lol" Nash responded, He always called you a midget because you're shorter than him. Days Past, You got your ticket and today was the day that you were gonna go to Washington D.C to see Matt. You packed your bags, And went to catch the Taxi. As you were putting some make-up in the taxi, You're phone buzzed and saw it was a tweet from Matthew.

"@TheMattEspinosa : Hey Everyone, Hope you have a good day. Sorry I've been kinda Grumpy in my Tweets lately Missing someone Right Now feeling emotional" You forgot that Matt was placed as your favorites, You knew exactly who he was talking about, You favorited And a tear went down your cheek. You got to the airport, Got on your flight, And soon enough you were in Washington D.C. You found Nash and gave him a tight hug

"No One Saw you leaving right?" You say to Him.

"I Made sure no one did, Were safe" Says Nash, As you both leave the Airport. He drove off to the Hotel. You both got off

"This is the Hotel Y/N" Says Nash.

"Wow! It's Beautiful!" You say getting inside

"Ok Let's Go to the room, Matthew is probably still asleep so were Good!" Nash says as he grabed your luggages and both went to the room.

"Here it is. All the rest of the guys are in Matt's room, I'll be right back..Try not to make any noises" Nash whispers a bit. You just go out into the balcony and smell the freshness of air and think "I'm finally gonna see Matt" with a big smile. All of usuden Nash comes behind you and whispers to you to do the smack cam! You nodded and went to your luggage "Mascara..No!! Mousse spray..Yes!" You though, you put some in your hand as you go into the room all the boys look at you, And they all put their finger on their lips saying to be quite. As you Sneakly go next to Matt you yell

"SMACK CAM!!" and smack him with the mouse, He woke up so furious but than..When he saw you, His reaction changed completely!

"Y/N!! OH MY GOD!!" He shouts, And he gets up and hugs you lifting you up and spinning you around

"OH HOW I MISSED YOU!" He said with his eyes getting watery a bit.

"I Miss You too Too! A LOT!" you giggle with tears running down your face. He grabs you by the waist, And hugs you so tight you couldn't breath for a second, But you didnt care..You were so happy that you were hugging Matthew once again

"I'm Sorry For Arguing with you befeore you left" You said

"It's Ok, That's the past. I'm just so glad you're here with me, Again, Wrapped around my arms" He smiles as he strokes your hair, Looks at you into your eyes, And crashes his lips on yours so passionately for about 2 minutes.

"I Love You So Much" He says to you smiling

"I Love You More" You smile. As you Hug him one more time.

**Hope You Enjoyed. Sorry If It Kinda Sucked. Thank you so much for reading!**

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