You self harm because of hate Part 1

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A/N : I'll be doing 3 boys in this part, and the rest in other parts. Because their pretty long, and are going detail by detail. Hope that's ok!

Cameron :

"Why can't @Y/T/N kill herself?"

"I don't know what Cameron sees in @Y/T/N" Were some of the hateful comments people tweeted you. You were always thought to be strong, and never listen to the hate. But this time, you couldn't Handel it. You went into the bathroom and locked yourself in there. You got out your old friend. The razor, And just started cutting your skin. Blood was streaming down your wrist. Tears were running down your cheeks. "Why? Why do they hate me so much? Why do they have to be so crewl and mean?" you cry out. Than you heard a pound on the door.

"y/n? What's wrong? Let me in!" shouts Cameron on the other side of the door. You ignored him still slicing your skin. I don't know how Cameron managed it, but he opened the door and saw you bleeding and he quickly got some rags and cleaned you up.

"Why y/n? why?" cries Cameron as he cleans you up.

"H-Hate-" you crack.

"Y/N, those people are assholes! They don't deserves your attention. Your way better than them y/n. Please, I'm begging you. Don't you dare do this again. I love you so much baby-" he cracks looking down at your hands playing with them. All you can do is cry yourself.

"I'm sorry Cameron. I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise I'll never do it again" you smirk, lifting up his chin.

"We will get threw this together babe. I'll help you, I'll be their for you whenever you need me" he smiles at you.

"I love you so much!" he says.

"I love you more" you reply.

Matthew : The hate has been getting out of hand. You couldn't take it no more. Recently you've had the thoughts of Self harm, but you've never done it because Matthew always kept you strong enought not to do it. But you just couldn't take it, you've been strong enough for to long. You went into the bathroom, and got out your razor.

"Long time no see my friend" you whisper. Holding the razor, positioning yourself. You cut your skin, not to deep, not enough to kill you ..But enough to feel the pain. You sob every time you cut. You see blood just comming out like crazy, you just collapse on the floor sobbing. You hear Matt's running into the bathroom.

"Oh my god, Y/N!" says Matt. As he sits you up and gets a rag and cleans you up.

*10 minutes later*

When the blood stopped. Matthew held you into his arms, and tried calming you down.

"Y/N ...Why? Why-?" his voice cracks. As a tear comes running down his cheek.

"The hate- I'm sorry Matt, I tried to stay strong. I did! But the hate was getting out of control" you look down at your hands. Matthew turned you around, so your facing him.

"They just want to bring you down Y/N. Because they have nothing better to do. You're so beautiful and amazing Y/N, don't let anyone, And i mean ANYONE tell you the opposite. You're worth it Y/N. You are worth it" smiles Matt. Giving me a great big hug.

"We will get threw this togethor don't worry. But promise me you'll never, ever to this again?" he questioned you.

"I promise" you smile, giving him another tight hug.

"I love you" you say.

"I love you more my princess"

Nash : Their are two kinds of people in this fandom. One is the fans who support you no matter what, and the others are the ones that hate you, just because you're with Nash. You were at home alone, Going threw you're Twitter.

"@Y/T/N Should just kill herself already! Nobody likes her anyways!" are some of the nasty tweets you got. You just couldn't take it no more. You've been holding back for so long. You go into the kitchen and get out a knife. You start cutting your skin, and blood immediately came out. You sobbed, and sat on the floor still cutting. Than, Nash came in and looked at you and dropped everything to help you.

"Oh my god... Y/N!" he shouts as he gets you up and takes you to the sink and washes out the blood. After that he dries you up, and leads you to the couch and with his arm around you, and with his other hand he was softly rubbing you're cuts.

"Why would you do this to yourself babe? Why would you tear up your beautiful skin?" he says.

"People hate me Nash. They just hate me, and I hate myself" you crack.

"Baby. Don't you dare say that you hate yourself or that other people hate you. I love you, the guys love you, and other fans love and support you. Don't listen to the others, their just jealous of what they don't have. Youre perfect Y/N. Pure perfection. And I love you." Says Nash.

"Promise me you will never in your mind do this again!"

"I promise. I swear" you smile.

"I love you so much. Thank you for being their for me" you hug Nash so tightly.

"Of course. I'll always be their whenever you need me! I love you my princess" he says as he hugs you so tight.

*Hope you enjoyed Part 1. Thank you so much for reading! Part 2 will be update soon! Love you guys!*


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