Chapter 9: Graceless

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Sam's POV:

Kristy chews on her lip as she taps away on her computer. She pauses, frowns, her eyebrows pulling together, sighs, and then begins typing again. This happens two times more before I finally say something.

"What're you working on?" I ask.

She jumps in surprise, then looks at me. Her eyes are less focused then usual. It's almost as if she's listening to something. Maybe Cas is talking to her?

"What?" she asks.

I repeat my question and she twitches her nose at me. It's a habit she's had since we were kids that is the equivalent to 'I am having zero luck with what I'm doing and it's frustrating-please distract me'.

"I'm trying to figure out why I have these powers," she mumbles, clicking something, "but there I don't have much to go on."

"Why don't you just ask Cas?" I say.

She makes a face.

"Cas won't talk to me. Trust me, I've tried-he doesn't answer."

I frown. The look on her face as she says this...wistful, disappointed, and forced nonchalantness. She won't look me in the eye, which leads me to believe there's more to this story then she's revealing.

"Really? I thought he was tuned into you. Remember when you had that psychic episode?"

She shrugs looking a little annoyed.

"Yeah, I remember, Sam. I guess that was a one time thing," she tell me somewhat dejectedly.

I stare at her for a second. She still won't look at me.

" you love Cas?"

Her head shoots up, violet eyes wide, naked panic written across her face as if it was in pen.

"Why would you ask that?" she whispers horrified.

I raise my eyebrows at her, looking her in the eye. Her expression becomes pinched as she realizes her mistake.

"Well other than your reaction just haven't been the since...well, since you met Cas."

She frowns, glaring at the floor.

"So do you love him?" I ask.

I don't know how to feel about Kristy being in love with Cas if she is. I mean, I'm glad she's at least found someone. Especially someone that can deal with the several monsters that are always after us. But Cas...well, he's Cas. What good can come from being in love with an angel? He couldn't stay with her and they probably couldn't start a family-not that Kristy has ever been the type of girl to want kids.

I know how Dean will react to the fact that his little sister has fallen in love with anyone-especially an angel. Pure, unadulterated rage. He would kill Cas, then Kris, then me for being involved. That is, after Dean is done having a heart attack.

"Does it matter?" She asks miserably. "He doesn't love me back. And even if he's the closest thing to Romeo and Juliet that reality can offer. It would be doomed from the beginning right?"

I hesitate.

"Kris...if I had known the direction that my relationship with Jessica would go-if I had known that she was going to die-I still would have fallen in love with her."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes and it breaks my heart.

"You're a liar Sam Winchester. You know that? You're lying. You would have kept your distance from Jess...but you'd still be in love with her."

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