Chapter 22: This is Awkward...

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A/N: OMG are you guys bored with the book?!?! I seriously have to know cuz I'm having panic attacks every time I think about it. I. MUST. KNOW. In other news, I'm trying to get two or three chapters done really fast because I'm leaving on vacation to DC on the 18th and won't be back until the 23rd and I'm not updating during that time. Also (and I really need you all to tell me this time) if you can think of a celebrity/person that you think should be Kristena, I would really like to know, because one of the chapters requires a real life person (you'll see what I mean soon XP) thank you!!!   \^.^/

(I'm skipping forward in time cuz I'm dying to get to the fun stuff)

Dean's POV:

"I think we should keep driving, Dean," Sam says, grimacing up at the pristine facade of the motel.

"Ah, common Sammy, it can't be that bad," I reassure him.

"I dunno, I think I'm with Sammy on this one," Kris says from the backseat, leaning forward to get a better look.

"Shut your cake holes," I reply, earning myself a dirty glare from both my siblings, "it'll be fine. Besides, where else are we gonna go? I bet the roads flooded by now."

"Good, maybe I can drown you," Kris mutters, following me as I get out of the Impala.

The rain pelts us, soaking us all to the bone as soon as we've stepped into the downpoor. I squint across the hood of the car at Kristy, feeling sorry for her. She opted for white shorts and a tank top this morning. Even I know what happens when white clothes get wet. Not to mention, it's cold and her clothes are thin.

We run inside. Kristy's shivering as the air conditioner hits us. Sam pulls her close to heat her up, even though he's not much drier than her. I glance around.

"Nice digs for once," I comment.

We head to the front where the concierge is typing rapidly on his computer.

"Busy night?" Sam asks as the man turns to us, still holding Kris, who's teeth are chattering so loud, people across the room could probably hear her.

"Yes, this storm brings in many clients," he says.

"Could we get a room?" I ask, trying to move this along for Kris's sake.

"Of course," he glances at us, but stops when he sees Kristy, looking stunned, "uh, three beds, then?"

My brows pull together as I glance between the two, but Kristy's expression is as confused as mine. She doesn't recognize this guy. It must be the white pants.

"Actually, can we get two?" I ask, knowing that with her nightmares and no Cas, Kristy is going to want someone to share with.

"Right away, sir," he recovers quickly, typing again.

As he reaches for the room key he motions to me.

"Oh, sir, it looks like you've got a little shaving nick," he says handing my a napkin to wipe it with.

Who the hell just happens to have napkins on hand? This is definitely wierd. But Kristy just frowns, looking like she wants to say something."

"Kris, what's wrong?" I ask.

She glances at me, and shakes her head.

"Just cold," she replies.

We quickly head to our room. As we stand in the hallway, I notice a couple making out in the hall. I can't help's entertaining.

"What are you, 12?" Sam asks more amused than disgusted.

"I'm young at heart," I say as I fumble with the key.

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