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A/N: Hey you guys! This is my first ever fan fic & i decided to do a one shot because it seems easier lol. I am such a Brallie shipper that it hurts so hope you enjoy my take on the ending of 3x08. Dont be afraid to hit me up on twitter or tumblr with your comments my handles are @LiveLoveBrallie. Also "Wildest Dreams" is my main Brallie song so thats why i chose it as the video lol. Enjoy :):)

Brandon's POV: 

I felt like my world stopped when the social worker hinted that something happened between Callie & AJ, and having my mom confirm my suspicion brought back all the feelings that i have been hiding back to the surface. I knew she had a thing for AJ i even called her on it when we were in Mexico but Callie being Callie denied it. Not sure what hurt more, finding out that they kissed or Callie not being the one to tell me; instead my moms had too. I knew i had to confront her and lay my feelings on the table. I still love her more than words can even express; i think i always will even though in a few weeks it will be illegal to feel them. I grab my car keys and decide to go for a drive and figure out the right words to say to the person who makes my world go around. 

I knew Callie was staying at Girls United since Rita was arrested for slapping one of the girls. I park in front of the house and sat there until i get the guts to send her a text message letting her know i was here. 

B: Im Here. Outside. We need to talk. 

I swear i stared at the message for what felt like hours before sending it, i hope I'm doing the right thing by having this conversation. Suddenly i hear a knock on the passenger window. Looking over i see Callie standing there waiting for me to unlock the door. 

"Hey. What's going on?" Callie asked. "Why didnt you tell about kissing AJ?" I bluntly asked while turning my head towards her. "How did you find out?" Callie asks after what felt like an eternity of silence. "Doesnt matter how i found out Callie, what matters is that you didnt have the guts to tell me yourself. Even after all we have gone through!" I say without hesitation. I can feel my emotions creeping up and now wasnt the time for them. 

"Brandon, the kiss meant nothing." Callie says. "A kiss always means something." I say. "I'm sorry i never told you myself I just never thought youd find out." she finally says. We sat in the car in another awkward silence. "I am still in love with you Callie. It killed me when mom told me that you & AJ kissed." I finally say. I look over to the passenger seat, and Callie looked shocked. Suddenly she opens the door and jumps out of the car. Of course she decides to run away. Not wanting this conversation to end this way i decide to chase after her. 

"Callie!" I yell running after her. "Why now Brandon!? Why are you telling me this now!?" Callie says while still walking away from me. "Because i am so tired of denying it to myself. I am so deeply in love with you it's not even funny." I admit. That stopped Callie in her tracks. She turns and looks at me with tears running down her face. "Brandon, you are making this so hard for me right now. If you think i dont feel the same about you then you are the biggest idiot ever. The day i broke up with you at your grandfathers funeral was the hardest thing ive ever had to do. At that moment i realized i was officially giving up happiness for a family that i adore. I didnt just break your heart into a million pieces i also broke mine. I chose a family because that's all ive ever wanted." She says as she looks me in the eyes. 

As we stand in the street it begins to rain, not just rain but pour. "Can we finish the conversation in the car?" I ask. Callie simply nods and begins walking back to the car. We both get back into the car, and you could cut  tension with a knife. It use to be so easy for us to have a conversation but now it's like pulling teeth. "I told you a while ago Brandon that i would blow this whole adoption up if it was hurting you Brandon." Callie says to me. "I know. But i want you to have a family, and to be happy." I say while staring outside at the rain coming down harder than before. 

"I am so sorry Brandon. If i could have the family and be with you i would choose that option in a heartbeat. But if i was to choose the option of just being with you it would break Stef, Lena & dont forget about Jude's heart." Callie says. "Callie, dont you see that you are putting everybody elses feelings ahead of yours." I say. Callie has always put Jude first in her life. Always putting her own happiness aside to make sure Jude was okay. 

"Yes Brandon i am well aware of that. Dont you think after this whole interview with the social worker came about that i didnt think of calling Robert to see if i could live with him!?  I want to be with you! I thought about it so hard i even dialed his number to see if he could pick me up. But i couldnt do it. I want that life we planned at Daphne's. But i also want this family." Callie says crying harder then before. 

Letting that information sink in, I suddenly realized that Callie was right. She needed this family just as much as we all did. "In another life time we would be together forever Callie. But this life time we were meant to be best friends and siblings." I say. It felt so wrong calling the love my life a sibling but that's going to be case in a few weeks. 

"It sounds so wrong you calling me a sibling by the way." Callie says with a chuckle. "Uh yeah." I grumble. "But you are right. If things were different we would be together, and for once in my life i'd have everything. A family and the person i love with everything i have." Callie says in a small voice. We just stare at each other for what felt like forever. "I have to go inside as it's getting late. i am so sorry about everything Brandon." Callie says as pulls herself together. "It's fine. You dont have to apologize, i just felt like i had to tell you." I say. "I am glad you told me. I love you so much." Callie says as she opens the car door. "I love you too. You should go inside before you get in trouble." I say to her. Callie nods and steps outside. 

I watch as Callie walked back into the house. As she closed the door all our hopes and dreams were over. I'll forever love Callie and nobody will ever come close to filling her void. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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