Its not like I'm in a plane on the way to see my pedophile boyfriend

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The minute we stepped into Starbucks, the smell of freshly brewed coffee made my mouth water. We got into the line and waited patiently.

There were about three more people in front of us so I decided to satisfy my need to pee.

"Stells, Zee, I gotta go the ladies. Be right back!" I said and bolted to the toilet as soon as they nodded at me.

After emptying my bladder I went to go wash my hands. My phone vibrated and Harry's name flashed on the screen. I pressed the green button to answer.

"Hello?" I said.

"where in the hell are you?!" Harry burst.

'Woah. What crawled up his pants and died?'

"Um, I'm at Starbucks?" I answered. Well more like asked.

"you said you would be back by dinner!" Harry shouted. I looked at the watch on my wrist and it read four thirty.

'it's not even six yet. Why is he pissed?'

"Uh, it's only four thirty big brother. Why are you so freaked out?" I asked.

"wha? Starbucks?! You said you were gonna go get new bra's!" he said. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was flailing his arms around.

I rolled my eyes before I answered "We were but then we bumped into Stella and well, we decided we'd go for some coffee." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to Starbucks?" Harry asked.

"Harry, it's just Starbucks. I'm not on a plane on the way to see my pedophile boyfriend" I said sarcastically.

"AMBER LEIGH STYLES! PLEASE TELL ME THAT IS NOT TRUE!!" he shouted through the phone. I rolled my eyes.

'this boy.. Sigh. He will be the death of me'

"Harry, I was just kidding" I said. "anyway, I gotta go. See you later" I said then immediately hung up. I had enough of the protective side of Harry.

I found Stella and Zee at a table by the window. I walked to them at took a seat in between them. There was already a caramel frappe -my favourite- on the table. "Thanks Zee" I said.

"I didn't get you that" Zee said. I looked at her confused. She jerked her head to Stella. I turned to look at her.

"I-I.. You.. I remembered that was favourite so I got it for you" Stella answered.

'Awe, she still remembers my favourite drink'

I gave her a side hug. "Ngaww, you still remember" I said smiling.

"well, I actually asked Zee for confirmation but other than that, yeah, I remembered" Stella said smiling.

I smiled back. We talked on and on about anything that came through our heads.

I hadn't realise what the time was Until I got a call from five -very- angry boys.

"Um, hello?" I said.

"AMBER LEIGH STYLES! where. The. HELL. are you?!" I heard Harry say.

"It's half past seven and your not back!" That was Zayn.

"I will not be responsible for the misplacing-ness of your beloved iPod" that was Louis.

'my baby!'

"NO!" I screamed into the phone causing Zee and Stella to jump a little in their seat. I mouthed a 'sorry' to both of them.

"I heard you were at Starbucks. Mind getting me a croissant?" Niall said. Okay, maybe not all of them are mad.

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