Chapter 1

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Chapter One

"Come on, Drew. You know you like him." said my best friend, Katie. I was hardly paying attention to what she was saying, though. I was too busy watching drama unfold before me.

"I do not." I defended and slapped her arm.

"Yeah, and that totally explains why you never take your eyes off of him." she replied sarcastically. We were talking about Jake Stewart. He was the popular guy in the school and every girl wanted to be with him. Katie thought I liked him, but honestly, I only stared at him because I wondered how someone could be so full of themselves. I stared at everyone, always watching how everyone reacted to anything that happened. Either that or I was asleep.

"Katie, I pinky swear that I don't like him. Will you just leave me alone, I have to pay attention to this." I was watching a potential fight. There was a kid in the class who always annoyed everyone, his name was Caleb and he just hit a girl named Callie in the head with a book. A kid named Garry was defending Callie.

"Don't hit her again." Garry said angrily.

"What are you gonna' do, hit me? Here's my face if you wanna'." Caleb replied. Oh shit, I felt a smile creep onto my face, I knew this was going to turn into a fight. Caleb was obviously going to lose, he was pretty tiny for a junior in high school.

The next thing anyone knew, Garry had punched him in the face. Caleb started screaming as blood gushed out of his nose. He fell on the floor and Garry was pulled back to the other side of the room by his friend, Jeffrey. Caleb kept screaming and stood up.

"God damn it!" he yelled and started toward Garry. He tried to punch him, but Jeffrey blocked him off and Garry tried to stay back. He didn't want to hit Caleb again, he just had a temper problem. The teacher came into the room with the other teacher from across the hall.

"Hey, break it up." She said. Caleb started calming down and the teacher took him out of the room with some tissues over his nose. Garry just grabbed his books. He had hit a few people this year already and he knew that he was going to be taken out of the room to the principal's office. Eventually the room settled down and everyone involved, leave Jeffrey, was taken out to the principal. The air around the classroom was uneasy and we were moved to a different class so that someone could come and clean the blood from the floor.

"Holy shit. I can't believe that just happened." Katie said to me as we walked to gym. All of this happened in the second to last class of the day.

"I can. It was pretty entertaining, don't you think?" I said and I started to change into my shorts.

"What's with your obbsession with violence and death?" she asked as she took her shirt off. I noticed some bruises on her stomach. Her parents were abbusive and I knew it, I was the only person that she ever told. I ignored it though, when she told me, she made me promise that I would mind my own business. The bruises weren't as bad as usually anyways.

"It's not an obbsession, it's a fascination." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever it is, it's weird." she said and we headed out to the ball field to play soccer.

I was on a team with Katie and seven other girls. I was pretty much the only one trying, but I can't blame my team members, I was a soccer lover in a town of football and softball fans. Our team won due to my effort and we all went back inside to get dressed back out. I was too lazy to change, though, so I stayed in my gym clothes and walked to my bus. Everyone on my bus was so loud and I always got a headache at the end of the day, but today I wasn't having this shit.

"Will you guys shut the hell up?" I said turning around in my seat. Everyone went quiet and shifted in their seats uncomfortably. They were probably scared that I'd do some voodoo on them. Last year a kid asked me if I did witchcraft, and apparently he didn't understand my sarcasm when I told him yes. I settled back down for a nap since I was the last one off the bus.

I woke up a few stops before mine and started rubbing my eyes. Lately I hadn't been able to get much sleep. I always woke up in the middle of the night and felt like I was being watched. When the bus came to my stop, I got off with my brother, Aiden. I always got off at my grandma's house because my mom and stepdad got off of work about three hours after I got off the bus, though, I don't see why I can't stay home alone for a few hours seeing as how I'm 16 now. My two brothers Devin and Aiden lived with our grandma and I lived with my parents. Devin had a friend named Brian who was living with them for a while because of some things. I won't go into detail with that, though.

"Hey, Brian." I said as I saw him sitting on the couch watching Family Fued.

"Sup." he said absentmindedly. I heard the guy, Steve Harvey I think, ask what you'd do at home in the nude.

"Sex!" I screamed out. Devin came into the room and said hey to me. I was hungry so I went into the kitchen and made three cup noodles. One for me, myself and I. Then I started playing with the dog, Megatron. :P

"Rawr, say rawr." I said to the dog. He barked at me and I gave him a dog treat.

"Shhh." Aiden said from the couch. 'Lazy people.' I thought as I walked outside and started playing soccer with a basketball. (We didn't have a soccerball.) I kicked it up to the neighbors field. My grandma's house was down a long driveway far off from the road and there were about four houses down it, the neighbors had a different driveway, but we could see them from the house and they usually let my brothers play golf in their big field. I kicked the ball around for about fifteen minutes when it started raining.

"Shit." I cursed as I picked up the ball and ran home, getting soaked on the way there. I went in and dried off before I sat on the couch and watched TV with my brothers and Brian.

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