Chapter Six

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"Do not mock me Fred," Hermione snapped, brushing past him and exiting the bedroom.

"I'm not mocking you!" he snapped, following behind. "You're being overly sensitive!"

"You're one to talk!" she bellowed, shoving her scarred arm in his face. "You can't even look at my arm without flying into a rage!"

"Well, I apologize that the idea of my wife writing in pain, inflicted with torture makes my blood boil."

"Why can't you just let it go, Fred!?"

"Because, I abandoned you once, and it took you years to forgive me!"


From the across the expanse of the sales floor he watched her move. Ginny was dragging her from one shelf to another, displaying the marvels her brothers had created. His breath hitched as they lingered at the love potion counter, a weight building in his stomach at the memory of lily scented perfume and fresh ink consuming him as he leaned over the concoction to test it.

Unlike the other girls, her eyes were not dancing with wild romantic notions, but with wonder and astonishment, inspecting the bottles with a quiet appreciation. It was a trait he had observed before in Muggle-borns- no matter how practiced they became in the skills of witchcraft and wizardry, they were always awed by true magic. Fred had never known a time when magic had not been an ever present part of his life, but Hermione still did things like writing by hand and packing her trunk herself. When he witnessed these simple acts, he found himself observing her with the same wide eyed adoration.

Making her way towards Harry, she hesitated, stepping back towards the Daydream Charms, taking one off the shelf to inspect it. A half smile tugged at her lips as she spun the box around, reading the directions, carrying it with her towards Harry.

"You know," she said, looking at Harry, "that really is extraordinary magic."

"For that," her head turned at his voice, a look of surprise across her face, "you can have one for free." Their eyes meeting as he studied them, reading them for any scant trace of lingering feeling, he noticed the indigo blemish blooming across her skin. "Hermione," his tone took on an unexpected protective tone, "what happened to you eye?"

"Your punching telescope," she replied ruefully.

He could never win with this girl.

"Oh blimey," he swallowed his embarrassment, despite the guilt strangling his throat. "I forgot about those. Here..."

His hand dove into the deep pocket of his magenta robe, searching for something rather unsuccessfully.

"...I have just the thing for that, but I must have left it in the work room. Come with me."

Crossing the bustling sales floor was almost dangerous. Gently dropping his hand to the small of her back, he dodged displays and customers, guiding her with a gentle press of the hand. Every touch of his hand against her back resulted in a flinch from Hermione, driving him to question if her reaction was that of nerves, or agitation.

"Just through here," he said, pulling back a heavy plum drape behind the counter, allowing her entrance first.

The work room was a disaster, but in the organized chaos of most creative spaces. Odds and ends were strewn about, beakers and vials of assorted colored liquids in varying amounts sat in racks on the workbench. A row of counter to ceiling apothecary drawers lined the back wall, labeled meticulously with their contents.

Fred spun about haphazardly, gathering up sketches and notes, looking under every piece of scrap, but he did not eye his prize.

Annoyed, he pulled his wand from his robe and announced, "Accio Bruise Remover", and the requested object came sailing towards his waiting hand. "This'll do the trick, I promise," he smiled, hesitating. "May I?"

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