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( welcome to "zero"! this is a fem!phanfic, which means fem!dan and fem!phil, aka Danielle and Fiona. there will be cursing (mostly on Dan's part, of course) and a few slightly triggering things (?) as the story goes on. stay safe, loves! )

Danielle was a curious little shit.

She wondered about things.

A lot.

One thing Danielle didn't understand was - "why didn't the Romans have a concept of zero? There was no concept of the idea that something could symbolise nothing. Why was it that the Mayans were the ones that created this entity - zero?

"It's not like the Mayans stole any thoughts of this from the Romans, either. They were on the other side of the damn Earth! But the people that created the aqueduct, built the Colosseum, and became one of the most successful empires in History, didn't even have a concept for the idea of no quantity. Why?"

And people never gave her an answer. The Romans were one of the greatest empires that ever existed; you'd expect them to think about something as simple as that. They were around ever since the year 0, so why didn't they think of this?

Leave it to Danielle to think about things this deep at six in the morning.

She yawned tiredly, the morning draining her, thus she decided it was time to get into the shower.


At six-thirty, Danielle was out of the shower, prepared for the day. Her hair: straightened, her wardrobe: dark, her headphones: plugged in, her phone: charged completely. It felt right.

Her day back in school after three months of unbearably hot summer days.

It wasn't getting much better.

Danielle didn't really hang with the right crowd. Most of her so-called friends were quite rude, and were rubbish at being friends. Danielle was just too awkward to socialise and make new friends.

However, Danielle was determined to attempt at making friends this year. She had gotten along pretty well with that girl Louise, so maybe she at least had one nice friend/acquaintance.

"Dani, get some toast before you go to school, alright!?" Danielle's mum hollered from the kitchen, breaking Danielle out of thought. Danielle smiled. It was nice to have such a supporting mother and a nice younger brother.

"Yeah, Mum, I'm coming down." Danielle hollered back.

Danielle found it quite interesting how her mum would force her to eat at least something everyday, while some others didn't really give a fuck. Hm.

Danielle grabbed her pitch black backpack, and headed downstairs.

"Thanks, Mum." Danielle said, smearing some butter on her toast before grabbing a strawberry on her way out, stuffing both pieces of food down her throat.

"Dani, be safe, sweetie... Have fun...!"

"I will, Mum. Thanks." Danielle said, walking out the door, with My Chemical Romance already heavily blasting in her ears.


The time had come - Danielle was at school.

She went to a pretty good school, honestly. She was living in London, which was the cause of her incredibly warm summer, since most buildings in London don't have air conditioning.

The school had pretty good electives and curriculums, and was even pretty cool towards lgbtq+ folk.

Danielle was quite excited to get a fresh start on the new school year. She was a second year now, so she was slightly familiar with the ropes of this high school.

Danielle was only changing the song to some Muse song when she saw a new girl.

A new girl with the prettiest eyes Danielle had seen in her entire life.

Oh. Shit.

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