Chapter 21- Morning sickness

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Having morning sickness was no walk in the park if anything I felt worse every time I had to bend over the toilet and Vincent was always there to comfort me but I could tell he was starting to grow worry with each passing minute. It wasn't until noon when I was literally puking my lunch out that Vincent stood and used his alpha voice on me.

"That's it I'm calling Tyler"

If he thought that using his alpha tone on me would get him anywhere he had another thing coming and I hoped this was the last time I heard it. I could already hear Vincents retreating feet as I tried to lean away from the toilet and make a grab for Vincents hand but all I felt was air.

"No, Vincent wait please"

Soon the footsteps were louder before there were no more and the feeling of Vincents warm hand on my back rubbing me smoothly followed by his voice.

"Annie you've been throwing up for the past two weeks, I'm calling Tyler weather you like it or not"

I knew he was already set on calling Tyler but I figured what was the point on calling Tyler if I already knew why I was feeling so sick. I didn't understand why they even call it morning sickness if your literally leaned over the toilet every minute of the day, it sucks.

"Vincent I'm pregnant okay"

I just couldn't hold it in anymore and so it led to me blurting it out which then made the bathroom fall into complete silence. The sound of a phone dropping and probably breaking made me not want to look back but I knew at some point I would have to. Slowly I turned around to see Vincent standing there with a shock face from what I had just blurted out seconds ago and then it was like realization hit him and a full blown out smile stretched across his face. Before I knew it I was lifted off the floor and spun around the air while Vincent literally yelled

"I'm going to be a father!"

Not feeling the ground underneath me reminded me that I needed to hold on to this crazy man who probably already woke up the whole house. I guess I over thought things, Vincent was a great man of course some day he'd want kids to call his own I knew he was ready but the question remained, was I ready to be a mother. That question right there had my mind going crazy because no matter how many times it repeats its self there was no answer.

"Vincent can you please put me down"

Even though I whispered it out I knew Vincent had heard me over his shouting which stopped as I felt the tile underneath my bare feet but Vincents arms never left which I loved.

"What's wrong?, I need to get you two to Tyler to make sure everything's okay"

Vincent by now was giving me a headache and not because of what he was saying but by the way he was saying it fast and out of breath and he was also walking away of course dragging me by the hand but I put both of my foot down and stayed still while pulling the arm Vincent had back making Vincent look back at me.

"Can we please do that later, right now me and baby are craving food"

I spoke as I rubbed my belly and walked towards the kitchen not waiting for a reply from Vincent. Who soon followed me as I was moving around the kitchen looking for something to satisfied me and the baby but the hunting trip that I was dead set on was cut shortly as Vincent lifted me up and sat me in a chair which made me pout.

"I'll make you whatever you want, you just name it"

I had a gut feeling that Vincent wasn't going to let me do most things around here and be one of those men who carried their pregnant girls from home all the way to the store if they had to.

"Vincent what if I fail at this"

This question had caught Vincent off guard as he turned around looking at me with a face that said 'you'r are joking right?' but when I held all seriousness and started to play with my fingers Vincent knew I was dead serious. What if I did fail at being a mother what if Vincent ends up realizing that I was the wrong girl that he sadly had to put up with, what if at the end of the day when all that settles in his head he wants nothing to do with me.

A low but deadly growl had me coming out of my thoughts that just seemed to be digging deeper and deeper to look up at Vincent who had a pissed off face as his nails started to carve into the counter top.


By the sound of my voice Vincents eyes zeroed in on me as he made his way towards me which was on the opposite side of him and when he finally stood in front of me he placed both of his hands on both sides of my body as he rested his forehead against mine making me close my eyes from his breath fanning my face.

"Annie you really got to stop thinking crazy"

It wasn't possible for Vincent to hear my thoughts but then again I could be wrong. It must of been the way I was staring at him that made him speak up next and I wasn't about to cut him off if he was going to explain something to me.

"You are going to be an amazing mother"

I wanted to believe his words I really did but I couldn't bring myself to actually do it.

"And plus your not the only one having doubts, besides we have the pack to help us figure things out when the baby arrives"

My mind had been on hay wire that I never took the time to think of how Vincent would feel and I'm speaking mentally because physically he looked like he had just won the lotto and plus he had a point we did have the pack to help us and the girls were here to. Maybe the girls were right I was over thinking myself.

~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE~~~~~~~~~



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