Chapter 3- Black doesn't Always mean Danger (Edited)

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(Vincent's point of view)

We were all standing around in the meeting room waiting for our lieutenant to speak up as he walked onto the stage and settled in front of the podium with his files. Suddenly the wall behind him went from the white color that it is to a blue with letters in the middle which meant someone had turned on the projector from the back of the room. My eyes stayed focus on the wall as I waited for the lieutenant to speak so we could get this meeting over and done with.

Not long after the projector switched on the screen behind him flashed on showing a picture of a man who looked to be in his 60's by the look of his face. The picture that was displayed was one of the man looking smugly at the camera and I instantly knew I wasn't going home anytime soon. There was another man in the photo but his back was turned away from being photographed.

"Alright men listen up...this man here is Ray Heller also known to be one of the biggest cartel in America, he has been on our most wanted list for the past eight years now, and no one in the force as been able to track him down until recently"

Than the screen changed to an old looking Plaza Hotel that looked very new but on the right side was a picture of the same hotel but this one was burnt in many places. Instead of there beings windows and a door leading to the main entrance there were wood panels covering it up. the grass around it was no longer green but brown and flat.

"There are two undercover agents who were able to get on the inside and sent us this picture of an old abandoned hotel that burned down in the late 70's, turns out this is where Ray is hiding and running his business, this hotel is located in a small town that was burnt down by a wildfire called 'la paradiso'. Also I was recently inform that it isn't just illegal weapons and drugs that were dealing with, turns out he's running an escort service, from the information I was given there are about fifteen girls being held there, ages between twenty-five and eight years old. It's said that Ray keeps them all on the tenth floor so I expect you all to search every single room, leave nothing unturned. Right now our top priority is to get those girls out of there, so get suited up men I need you all on the road within the next fifteen minutes and Mr. Gray you will be leading the team"

With that said the lieutenant grabbed his files and walked out of the room without another word. Soon we all started walking out and headed straight to the locker room to gear up for the mission at hand.

(Annie's point of view)

I haven't seen Dom since that night well actually none of us have and it's been a week, at least that's what it feels like. Roger has come in a couple times running a knife all over my body and when I didn't give him the satisfaction he wanted he would push it in until blood started to flow out. Right now I was thankful for being left alone even if it was only for a little bit. My room is really quite, the only noise I can hear is my breathing and I was okay with that because it was better than the grunts that followed not that long after.

Sometimes I wonder what or where we went wrong to deserve a life where we're worth nothing and laying on a bed waiting to be taken advantage of, because I honestly can't think of none. I hear footsteps pass by my door going further away until they could no longer be heard. None of the men had a reason to come into the room since I was already chained to the bed. being chained to the bed let me know that it was already night time outside and that sometimes relieved me because that means that I was free for a couple of hours even though I was haunted by my dreams for the most part.

I looked up with tired eyes and saw the chains screech every time I tried to move my hand and the searing sting that coursed through my arm. I already knew it was no use. One little tug and I was already feeling a little wet trail coming down my arm but I didn't bother to look at it since it didn't take a genius to figure out what it is.

Can you save me Alpha?(Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now