Fruit Smoothies And Chaos

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HEY YOU GUYS! YOUR ALL AMAZING!! WE LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!! EEEEEKKKKKKK okay... imma be quiet now... KRISTIE OVER AND OUT! We dedicate this chapter to @Tosavealife4 for the wonderful comment. xx


Niall's P.O.V:

The Words of Ziall.... huh? What is that? Ziall... I looked at Zayn questionly. He perked up and grab the journal. Then he opened the beautiful book to the first page and began to write;

"Zayn plus Niall equals ZIALL! It's a combination of out names silly! This journal is for us to talk to each other or just a place to get our feelings out."

I broke into a smile. This is so sweet... I don't even... I.. Nobody's ever done something like this.

I'm not just talking about the journal, but the entire thing of just him. Why... why would he do this? All of this.

He stepped out of the crowd just to stand up for me.

He took interest in my life.

He saved me from the streets and from the cruel people.

It's too much. I don't deserve his friendship or his kindness. I'm just a worthless fuck up kid.

Seriously. I've never been able to do anything right. I know I can't help the fact that I'm deaf, but I can't help but feel like its my fault. I screw up everything, why should I even go on?

I've thought this many times. More times then you could count. I've had nothing to live for, and life was never going to get better. At least thats what I thought.

Now I might actually have a reason to continue.

That reason is named Zayn.

He has shown me that not all people are cold, heartless dicks. But some people actually give a damn if someone lives or dies.

I never believed it was possible, but it is. Zayn has proven it over and over again that there is a percentage of humanity that is good.

"Zayn... Thank you. For everything." I wrote to him. I looked up for a reaction. And I got one.

He pulled me into another tight embrace. He's a really sweet guy. But I can't let my guard down. Although he has proven to be there for me... I'm not ready to trust him...just yet.

My walls are not easily broken.

We split apart and started to leave the mall. He's purchased some clothes for me, even though Zayn wrote he wants to get me more, but now were off to buy food.

Oh how I love the taste of food.

When we arrive Zayn grabbed a cart. We roamed the aisles searching for some food.

Zayn would point to stuff and I just nodded eagerly. No matter what type of food it is, I will always eat it... well almost all of it.

He piled a fair bit in. At first I was shy and didn't want to put anything in, because well.. its not my money to spend. I still highly disagree with the fact that he bought me clothes, but what can I do?

He edged me on until I finally put something in the cart. For this I earned a smile, which I immediently returned.

I pointed to item after item and Zayn would nod and nod. I could feel myself coming out of my shell... which I'm not sure I like or dislike, but I'll let it slide for now.

By the time we had finally finished, we had a mountain of food. oops..

We paid for the stuff, I don't even want to mention the price... and then we had to call a taxi because there is no way we would ever be able to lug all this home. Zayn took out our book and began to write now that we were sitting comfortablly in the cab.

The Boy of Silence (Ziall) (Co-written TogetherLikeTwoShips)Where stories live. Discover now