Times of Triumph and Times of Failure

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Zayn’s P.O.V

“There’s really no point Love.” Louis engulfs Harry in a hug.

“Why?” He pouts making Louis laugh.

“Babe, we all lapped you, Zayn lapped you twice, and even that little girl over there beat you.”

“SHE CHEATED!” Harry tried to defend himself.

“He’s right Harry, but you can still sign up. The more people, the better odds it will be.” I smiled as I wandered towards the computer near the exit to sign all our names to it.

I felt a hand rest on my back as I began to type. “You did amazing Zayn, if anyone is going to win tomorrow, it’ll be you.” Liam said.

“You did well too Li. You could just as easily win. I honestly don’t care who does, as long as we can get the money.” I sighed and typed the last name.

“You know that’s not true.” He continued, “You want to be the one to win, he’s your boyfriend and I know a thing or two about pride. And it should be you that comes out on top.”

“Babe, he probably already has topped!” Ezra came laughing over and I blushed.

“Guuuuys, we haven’t done that yet.” I stare at the ground hoping they’ll drop it.

“C’mon Ez, leave him alone. We have a big day tomorrow and he needs to concentrate.” Liam peck his lips.

“Fine. We gotta get home anyways, see you tomorrow Zayn.” Ezra smiled. “BYE YOU TWO!” He yelled across the room to Harry and Lou who were, of course, snogging. I rolled my eyes and said my goodbyes to the boys before making my way over to Larry.

Someone has to spare the children.

Niall’s P.O.V

Where is he? It’s been hours.

I continued to pace around the living room wishing Zayn would come walking through the front door.

Yeah, maybe I do seem a bit clingy, but since my panic attack I’ve been a bit on edge, and Zayn is the only one to make relax.

I peeled my eyes away from the window and saw Tricia giving me a sympathetic smile. I attempted to return the smile, but it just wouldn’t come. She reached over to the table and grabbed a notebook.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be home soon.” I sighed and took the pen from her,

“Where did he go?” I look up at her, tears threatening to fall. I could see her heart was breaking at my reaction, but instead of answering she pulled me into a hug.

Why is this such a secret? He’s been gone so much recently... I don’t understand. Is it wrong to ask this? Is it wrong of me to want to know where he’s at?

She pulled away and jotted down another attempt at comforting, “He loves you Niall, don’t forget that.” She got up and headed into the kitchen, presumably to make dinner.

I decided to go upstairs and lay on, the bed, maybe take a nap and before I know it he will be home.

At least that’s what Tricia will think.

Instead I grabbed my phone off the night stand, seeing that Zayn hasn’t replied to any of my texts, grabbed my jacket and snuck out the window.

I need to know that he’s okay, sure I have no idea where he’s at, but if I check the places I know he would go, it’s somewhere to start.

The Boy of Silence (Ziall) (Co-written TogetherLikeTwoShips)Where stories live. Discover now