Best friends

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Scott woke up to the sound of his loud alarm going off. He pulled the blanket over his head, not wanting to get out of bed and go to work. It was too early and he hadn't had much sleep because of last night...'last night' Scott threw his blanket off his head and looked to his side, suddenly wide awake.

"Alex?" The blond called but there was no answer. He was quite sad that the man he shared a bed with last night didn't stay but still was buzzed form the events of last night.

He reached over and to turn his phone off and noticed a piece of paper with writing on.

He smiled.

He turned of his annoying alarm and graded the note.

'Hey, sorry I had to leave early. I was going to wake you to tell you but remembered you had to be up early for work.(and you look adorable when sleeping, I couldn't bring myself to wake you.) I will see you soon.
Love Alex.

Scott laughed at how love was scribbled out but was glad Alex had decided to keep it in the end. He laid on his bed rereading the letter for awhile before he remember he had to get ready for work.

------later that night----

"Please!!" Scott begged. He was trying to convince Alex to go out with him and his friends but the brunette was having none of it. They had decided to make it official and Scott was excited to show his friends his stunning boyfriend, who he knew all his girlfriends would be jealous of.

"I really don't like going out, Scott." Alex argued. He had fear in his eyes and Scott saw it.

"Why are you scared? You go out in public all the time." Scott question Alex. He knew that his boyfriend had been to the coffee shop before and they walked through the park. So he was confused by him not wanting to go to one of his friends house and then for a meal tomorrow.

"Not really." Alex stated a little nervous. He sat on Scott's couch with his head down while Scott stood in front of him.

"You have been to the coffee shop" Scott argued still confused by the whole thing.

"But the shop was closed" the brunette mumbled. He stood up and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "Can we just cuddle and talk about it later?" Alex suggest, placing light kisses on Scott's neck causing him to softly moan and put his head to the side so Alex could have better access.

"Will you think about it?" Scott softly moaned out focusing on Alex's lips on his neck leaving dark blemishes. Alex hummed in agreement before leading Scott upstairs.
"So you have known Kirstie all your life." Alex asked. They were lying on their sides facing each other in Scott's bed, in just their boxers.

"Nearly we met in the first year of high School and been best friends ever since." Scott smiled at the thought of meeting Kirstie the first day of high school it was a memory he cherished.

"High school. Is it weird I miss it?" The brunette asked, changing positions so he was lying on his back.

"Nope not at all" Scott replied, staring at the side of his boyfriends face and studying his features

"What was high school like for you" The brunette said turning his head to look at Scott.

"They were great probably the best years of my life. So many great memories. I got bullied for a while but there were so many good memories."

"You got bullied?"

"Well most of my friends where girls. I guess the bullies knew I was gay before I did. I came out when I was 15." Scott said remembering how supportive his mother and friend were.

"You came out when you were 15?! I wouldn't have dared. I technically never came out." Alex said. Still shocked that Scott came out at such a young age.

"What do you mean?" Scott questioned a bit confused.

"My parents died, I never told them." Alex said, which made Scott feel bad.

"Oh I'm sorry" Scott apologised.

"It not your fault. It wasn't some tragic accident it was their time." Alex cleared up, making sure Scott wasn't going to pity him.

"What was high school like for you?" The blond change the subject which Alex was happy about.

"Nothing special, I guess I did my work and played sports. I did everything my dad told me and nothing excited ever happened really. I had one friend Jake." Jake was in fact Alex's only friend in high school and he was so glad he had met him.

"Do you still keep in contact with him?" The taller man asked curious.

"No, he's long gone... He moved away" Alex said and looked back up to the ceiling.

"That's unfortunate. I still have kirstie but my other friend from high school Mitch, he moved away too. I remember having the biggest crush on him. Mitch Kirstie and I were a trio too. We used to sing all the time. He moved and we lost contacted. I hate when that happens, I bet you feel the same about jake. But I still have Kirstie." Scott smiled a sad smile at how much he used to idolised Mitch and then one day he was just gone.

"That's good. I still Haven't heard you sing yet. Are you gonna break out in song for me? That's what you wanna do right? Sing.

"Yeah I have always loved to sing but it's hard to actually get anywhere in the music world. I have put up a few covers on YouTube. I will show you one later if you want." Scott suggested, remembering his YouTube channel he hadn't been active on lately.

"That would be great. Does Kirstie still sing?" Alex asked curiously.

"She's more into musicals. She auditioned to be in wicked the other day. She's amazing." Scott praise.

"Wicked is only my favourite musical like ever. I'm obsessed with the Wizard of Oz too." Alex turned to face Scott once again with wide eyes.

"See more reason you should meet her." Scott said only to see Alex role his eyes and turn back to facing the ceiling. "Hey, in the future she might have free front row tickets to wicked and you won't be able to get any because you won't meet her." Scott stated causing Alex to sigh.

"I'm tired" Alex changed the subject and placed his head in the crook of his boyfriend neck. Scott felt Alex eyelashes flutter closed against his neck and signed.

"You can't keep changing the subject" the singer breathed out. "Are you going to be hear in the morning? I wanna wake up to you." Scott questioned. He really wanted Alex to stay.

"Maybe" The brunette mumbled against Scott neck.

"I hope so" Scott's baritone voice filled the room before silence and sleep took over.

A/N- another update yay!! I am loving writing this.
Until next time
Caitlin x

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