The evil is sensed

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It was the darkest of nights. Clouds masking the presence of stars- there was no friendly shimmering to soothe ones mind or worries.
Only the moon shone, her silvery embrace was not hidden by the misty clouds... Yet.
Two figures detached themselves from the shadows cast by bushes and trees. Their fur shone like beams of glowing silver as they entered the light given by the moon goddess herself.
The two hares crouched down in respect for their deity. As their ears flattened a gust of icy wind blew around them, covering them in chilling brightness. The light dazzled them- they closed their eyes as treetops swayed above them, coated in shimmering silver.
The hare named juniper sat up, her ears erect and her head facing the moon. As her silver and brown fur began to shimmer in the dappling moonlight, she gave a high pitched cry aiiii! before she gave vent to a full on recitation
"Oh goddess of the moon, wise one who knows all! Your silver splendour reaches to all eternity and is never waning. Will you share your knowing with us? Will you tell us your secrets from the world? We, who are only hares, we who are within your embrace and never to leave our faith. Tell us what you know and see! Aiii!"
Finishing with another cry, juniper began to dance around the ring of moonlight like a moonbeam dances on the surface of a still lake.
Together juniper and her wholly silver brother buff heart pranced around, waiting for the white hare to appear in the moon.
They began to chant an old witchhare song, dating back to many years ago.
"Kei kei, we are your loyal ones. Your silver night protects us from the badger, the fox and the owl. Give us wisdom, tell us what you know and we continue to serve you on the earth"
Suddenly both the hares froze, their ears erect, heads bowed as they stared in silence up at the moon, their eyes wide and unblinking.
The air turned white around them, shrouding the clearing in mist that hung to protect the secrets passed on through many hares.
The moon had her secrets to share with the witchhares. And the very earth had to tell them.
The White hare had come.
Like a shadow, he had passed through the moon, leaving his outline etched into the orb of whiteness.
The words of hidden secrets wavered on the breeze, as the moon was masked by clouds. The forest was plunged into darkness.
Both juniper and buff heart began to sway, as if weary of it all. Their minds were in fact seized by an uncontrollable terror, it ran through their blood like a raging fever. A fever of burning horror as their minds were seized by one thought, one thought only. The need to get away. They were running, fleeing, desperate to escape this terrible thing, this terrible thing that was coming to them.
Fever is raging through my body, my blood is burning with the urge to flee my chaser. Run! Run! I can only run!
My enemy is gaining in on me. I feel it raging through me, terror and fear. Like lighting, bolting through my mind
Terror! Terror! Such terror! Such fear is covering me and I'm drowning in my fear!
He is running for his dinner, I am running for my life. He is running for his dinner, I am running for my life"
Those words bored themselves into the two hares minds, as the dreadful feelings of terror ebbed way into the night.
It was dark, pitch black. The moon was covered by the clouds. It was a sign that filled their hearts with dread. A sign of such evil to come... Such evil to come.
Juniper stared unhappily at buff heart, who was still twitching and blinking miserably.
Bowing her head in defeat, she murmured "it's bad, such a bad thing is coming! It's very bad"

The moon haresWhere stories live. Discover now