Chapter four

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And so, that night a raggle taggle group of hares made their way across the fields, some saying last farewells to familiar surroundings, never to come back again.
Twain, nominated as leader turned to juniper as the silver hare leapt beside him.
"It's most unnatural, hares travelling in such a large group. Normally we are solitary beings, preferring the cover of the moon as a time to frolic" twain murmured fretfully, his black eyes dilated with apprehension. "We are so visible to the pallecks (enemy)"
Juniper had to agree, looking back at the straddlers.
"It will be difficult for most... Impossible for some" she sighed, turning back to look at twain with a guarded expression in her eyes. Twain noticed at once.
"Your keeping something from me, aren't you?" He questioned forcefully. "Is it important?"
Juniper shook her head dismally. "The journey will be long, hard and challenging to say the least. I fear that some won't make it" she whispered despairingly to twain "oakling is too young... Too timid. At the sound of trouble he will freeze and let the pallecks take him"
An owl swooped overhead, screeching like a harpy, the harsh sound cutting the air, cutting into the hares and causing mass panic. Everyone froze, crouching and quivering in terror.
Twain felt someone brush against his flank, a tiny whimpering hare, no bigger than a leveret crouched beside him. It was oakling and he was petrified, eyes dilated and nerves trembling fitfully. At times, barely distinct squeaks came from his mouth as he gazed up at the sky.
Twain felt his heart beat again as the owl flew on, he rose shakily.
"Okay... It's safe to move on everyone. Forward" on his command, everyone moved onwards, hesitantly and some reluctantly. Most cast fearful glances upwards, their ears quivering in the knowledge that danger lurked all around.
Juniper hurried to Twains side. "We need to rest... Some of us are too tired to go on much further" her eyes were bright with concern.
Twain shook his head resolutely. "No... We can't rest now. We need to get to that copse... then we can sleep in safety"
Without many events, the hares crossed the quiet field and entered the copse fearfully, darting and quivering as shadows loomed around the timid group.
Oakling pressed himself against the comforting form of Twain, casting nervous looks all around him.
"C-can we rest now?" His question came out as a mere squeak of fright. Twain had decided: many hares were dragging themselves along painfully, not used to traversing long distances.
"Everyone can rest now" he told juniper in a hushed voice. "Pass the order along... quietly"
Juniper nodded and fell back to announce Twains decision.
"At last" grumbled Alder, a large hefty fellow. "My paws are dropping off and I want to know... where are we going eh?" He dug his claws in the ground angrily. "We've been traipsing along the fields for ages and already this journey is looking like a total folly"
Juniper came up to him as many others voiced their opinions and troubles.
"Hush now!" She ordered harshly, though her voice was quiet. "I know that many of you are scared and tired. Your uncertainty is fuelled by your fear so close your eyes and go to sleep. Things will look up in the morning, they always do."
Alder was quivering. "Your right. I don't like this one single bit"
"I don't either... But believe me. It's the right thing to leave" juniper assured him softly.
Alder snorted though he looked less angry. "I hope so"
Twain leapt up. "Time to sleep... Close your eyes and get some rest" he settled down beside the already sleeping Oakling and placed his head on his paws, his eyes closing as he drifted into sleep.
Juniper too, sunk swiftly into sleep, tired by the day's goings on and soon peace fell upon the dormant hares. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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