Chapter 5

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"So why are we here?" Zayn asked as he followed Niall around the flat. Niall raised his brow and smiled deviously at his renewed boyfriend, "Oh, I dunno, Zayn. Why do you think we're here? Hmm?" 

Zayn's brow then rose, "Sex? Jesus Christ, Niall! Are you trying to murder me?" a sly grin appeared then Niall threw himself at Zayn, sending them back against the wall, slamming them up against it, and knocking a picture frame off. "Jesus." Zayn muttered with his mouth pressed against Niall's. Grinning, Niall grinded against him, pulling at his hair. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Zayn shoved him back. Niall's eyes were widened, "What?"

"I'm in charge." Zayn's eyes iced over. He looked evil at that moment but Niall loved it and he was ready for anything to happen. 

"Shit." Niall gulped then decided to tease Zayn. He sprinted off down the hallway and into the bedroom, jumping onto the bed, with Zayn jumping on top of him, holding him down, and putting his arms behind his back, "ZAAAAYNNN!" Niall cackled loudly, "Hell!" his Irish accent was thick and sexy, just like Zayn enjoyed.

Very much.

Zayn bit down on Niall's neck, causing Niall to thrash underneath him, "Tease! You know I hate dat!" 

Oh, how I love that Irish accent of yours, sexy. Zayn beamed to himself then whispered into Niall's ear, "I want you to rock me. If you screw Styles again, you're punished."

"Oooh, what's my punishment?" 

"I'm the tease?!" Zayn laughed then smacked Niall on the ass. Giggling, Niall nodded, "Yupp."

"All right. Hrmmm." Zayn reached over for Niall's belt laying on the dresser but, of course, they were interrupted by Niall's loud ringtone. 

Zayn slipped it from Niall's jeans and read the text:

Still on for tonight, sexy? ;) 

Styles. Snarling, Zayn grabbed Niall's hair, "Owww! What the hell?!" 

"He just text you."

"So? Who cares? I ain't worried about it. Let me go before you bald me or something."

"Is that even a phrase?"

"Let me go."

Zayn let Niall go and replied to Harry's text for Niall:

Never text me again. I'm in love with Zayn. NOT you! Have a nice night! :) xxxx

Smirking, Niall rolled over, "Owww! I'm sore now."

"Good. Shows that I've handled you. Does Styles leave you sore?"

"No. I wish you would shut up about him." Niall sighed.

"It's hard to."

"Hey, you slept with Lou so why are you always nailing me about Harry?"

"WHY aren't you ALWAYS nailing me about Lou?! It's like you don't care that I did that!"

Frowning, Niall sat up, "Zayn, what? Of course I care. It hurt really bad to find out you did that but I know I hurt you to so I assumed we were even."

"I hate myself for what I did."

"And I hate myself for being with Harry. I promise I won't go back to him."

"You swear?"

"Of course I swear. I love you. Not him, babe."

Nodding his head, Zayn felt vulnerable. He felt small, ashamed, and useless. He then looked into Niall's bright-blue eyes and suddenly felt so much better. He felt loved and wanted in the world. He came over to Niall, wrapped his arms around him, and kissed his mouth, "I love you."

"I love you too." 

"So I don't have to worry?"

"Of course not. I will never kiss Styles again." 

Smiling, Zayn nodded again, "Thanks, Niall. I feel better now."

Snarling, Harry clenched his cell phone in his hand. He turned to the mirror, staring at himself. He knew Niall did not send that text. Niall never used the cheesy "X" when he conversed. Harry knew something was up. He knew Zayn was in it on. Well, Niall was Harry's, as Harry thought, and he was going to make sure that it stayed that way. 

"Hey, Josh." Harry stepped into the next room where his friend Josh was playing video games. "Yes?" Josh looked up from his controller.

"I need your help with something." 

"Anything, bro."

"You know Malik right?"


"Get him the hell away from my man. ASAP."

"How do you expect me to do that?"

"You'll come up with something. Won't you?" 

"Hmm, I think I have something under my sleeve." 

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