TW; Abusive relationships
Ciel's POV:
This was the day, the day our dream become reality. Everyone had told us 'You'd never make it' or to 'Just give up' but we never did and now look we finally made it. Today was the day we were going to play our first and official concert. We made it as a band.
We have five members of our band which are Alois Trancy, our guitar player and vocals, Sebastian Michaelis our Drums, Elizabeth Midford our Keyboard, Grell Sutcliffe our Bass and I, Ciel Phantomhive the Lead vocalist. This was our band, 'The Fallen Ones'.
The group and I have a song which Alois does not know of. It's a song dedicated to the bubbly blonde and I was going to sing it. Too him. Today. As the lead I've... How do you out it? I guess I've grown fond of a certain blonde haired boy. If you haven't guessed yet I'm openly bisexual so hopefully this will be the day I can show Alois that I truly care about him.
--- Time Skip ---
The noise outside was terrifyingly exciting many emotions ran through my body, Anxiety, Excitement, words I couldn't even begin to explain. It was all new to me and I admired every inch of it. This was where I belonged surrounded by the thing I love doing and the people I love.
As I quickly paced back and forth as the nerves began filling my body. I sat down, after becoming bored of pacing back and forth, on a medium sized bean bag and with a sigh I pulled out my phone and scrolled through it checking my social media, replying to some comment and liking some pictures. Turning off my phone and sliding it back into my pocket I felt the weight of someone's arms on my shoulders. Moving my head to the side I saw a blonde mop of hair "Hi Alois" I said as a chuckle escaped my lips. "You nervouse?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow slowly at me "O-Of course not." I said less confidently then I expected, this making Alois click his tongue "Okay Ciel, whatever you say!" He said sarcastically which caused my face to heat up "Tch, Shut it Trancy." I mumbled under my breathe as I crossed my arms. Alois slid over the back of the sofa I was sitting on and sat, may I say rather closely, to me.
Alois held a special place in Ciel's heart. Ciel knew about Alois' past an how troublesome it was, he knew about the abuse and he knew about that because he was there for Alois through it all and not once did he regret any of it. He remembers every bit of what happened but oh how he wished he could erase the memory of Alois' bruised, pained and tear stained face as he knocked upon Ciel's door as the rain thundered down on the Blonde. He invited Ciel in and Alois told Ciel everything.
"It's Claude every since we've been together he's been abusing me verbally and physically, the names he'd call me 'Bitch' 'Useless' 'Slut' many more I can't remember. B-But as the year passed he became worse, he started doing drugs, drinking and- and that's when he started..." Silence. " that's when he started using me as his sex toy, all I was, was something to pleasure him. This soon became a recent event which happened often and if I declined to do it he'd abuse me. It's my fault anyway. He's right I'm nothing more than worthless waist of oxygen. I am, he's right." A saddened smile now along his tear stained face. Oh how Ciel wanted to tell him how wrong he was. Little did Alois know how much he meant to the Bluenette haired boy.
"On in Two minutes. I repeat On. The stage in two minutes." a loud voice interrupted Ciel from his memories. The Bluenette boy felt the nerves become stronger and he found himself taking deep breathes "You got this Ciel." The voice of Sebastian said from beside him, Sebastian knew about Ciel's undying love for the blonde guitarist and he also helped write the song. Ciel looked at the raven haired man and nodded feeling slightly less nervous. "The Fallen Ones please make your way to the stage" the same voice spoke causing out group to all look at each other and we all let out a small chuckle. Proceeding to make our way to the stage we heard the cheers and screams of our fans and I felt myself smile. We took our places, Alois on the right side, Sebastian at the back along with Elizabeth and on my left. A smile still on my voice as I greeted the crowd which then irrupted into cheers. Every so often I'd look into the crowd but this time something caught my eye, it was a sign, not just an ordinary sign with the 'I love you' this sign caused my cheeks to heat up and I could tell the blush was clearly visible. Written on this, extremely large, sign was ;

Cielois One Shots// Discontinued
FanfictionThis is just a book for my imagines and one shots of Cielois Any ideas / Suggestions just comment ;)