Uphill Battle | Chapter 4

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-Emily's POV-
So today my family and I are heading to Boise, Idaho for a concert thing. I'm hype af, cos it's the Labor Day weekend and that means no school :) awesome. I won't be posting much cos I probably won't have much wifi and I don't wanna waste my data. As much as I love my children, I don't have that much data to waste :( sorry children.

Avery never really texted me back.. Oh god I hope that I didn't scare her away.. Wait, she was the one who told me, why would I be worried. ugh. hopefully she isn't mad at me or something, and yet again, just busy with school.

I hope that she'll talk to me soon. I can't live another day without her memes. they're priceless.

-Avery's POV-
I haven't talked to Emily in a couple of days and I don't think that was a good idea. I shouldn't of told her. she probably thinks I'm a freak or something. but wait, she said she liked me back?! WHAT IS THIS?!

well. whatever it is, I'll just talk to her after school is over. but for now, I have to queue up some posts and get ready for hell. ppl ask where I'm from, and I just say hell. hey, I'm being honest ffs.

-couple hours later-
YAY. LUNCH. hallelujah. time to check tumblr and all that zazz from mobile (Jesus it's so hard with mobile ew). I wonder if Emily is awake.. maybe I should text her:
(bold = avery normal= Emily)
hey em, u there?
hey ave's wassup?
um, school, same old same old. hbu?
nothing much, just chillin LIEK a villain with mr. McMillan
Emily. no.
anyways, I'm sorry for not talking to u B(
lol it's fine Avery. ur probably busy with school and all
I am, but I shoulda told u
Avery, don't sweat it
Emily I like u
Avery I like u too
this is just how it was before I stopped talking to you
will u be my (platonic) girlfriend?
I will always be ur (platonic) girlfriend Emily
-Emily's POV-
WOOO. IM FRIGGIN ZAZZED M8'S. AVERY IS MY (TOTALLY PLATONIC) GIRLFRIEND. I'm so friggin zazzed. time to shout it from the rooftops. shouting "i'm fRIGGIN ZAZZZEDDDDD" that is. ppl can't know that we're a thing yet obvi. we need to keep it on the down low. keep it on the hush hush. keep it under the grave of the hamster from the hamster fic... that made me think. what if ppl start shipping us (like phan shipping) and start making fanfics about us (so meta) oh no. I'm not ready for that...


this chapter took me a while to write (as u can see from the beginning this was when Emily was going to Boise for a concert) oi. I hope u guys enjoyed it <3

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