Wowzerz | Chapter 7

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I should probably be studying for upcoming tests, but instead I'm writing fanfiction about two tumblr users ¯\_()_/¯
like y do u guys read this tho (its trash like me)

-Avery's POV-
     I am so happy!!! I!! am!! so!! happy!!! !!!!!!!!! ok wow, calm down Avery. I WILL NEVER CALM DOWN!! EMILY IS MY GIRLFRIEND. AND NOT PLATONIC BULLSHIT THIS TIME. ITS THE REAL DEAL M8ERINOS. THE. REAL. FLIPPING. DEAL. AHHHHHH!!!!!!

     ok but I do actually need to calm down. it's late at night and I don't want my family getting suspicious. *screams one last time* ok I'm good. but I can't promise.

(bold = emily | normal = Avery)

wassup my m8erino from another m8
nothing much. how r u?
im fucking zazzed babs
AHHH!!! you're actually my girlfriend!! !!! !!!!!!!!
lol ikr I can't believe that ur my girlfriend either. and not this "platonic" bullshit either lmao
u bet ur diddly darn ass, should we tell the children?
let's wait a while. but let's also post subtle hints to tumblr ;-)
Emily u r a genius, but pls don't add noses. it makes u like one of those mom's who thinks their child's life is ok but actually isn't.
... uh...
sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lmao it's cool. time to drop those subtle hints ;)

     I JUST LOVE EMILY SO MUCH!! she is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. all we need to do is just meet and then move in together, and then we're literally phan, but +1 better cos were actually confirmed lmao. I don't like to think of us as phan tho. like, yea, it's cool, but we're also completely different from them. u feel me?? I should probably shut up tho lmao

     dropping those subtle hints on tumblr was a great thing to do tho. I love teasing my children ;)

-Emily's POV-
     someone fucking pinch the shit out of me. EMVRY is literally real. like, not that "platonic girlfriends" shit. it's the real fucking deal. I told Avery that we should drop hints on tumblr that we're not ok. it was a great idea.. at the time.. ppl r actually worried about us tho. whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"omfg r u ok?!" "Emily what's wrong?!" "r u sad?" is just an example of what I got in my ask box. it's been an hour since we've actually been dating, but we still haven't told our followers yet tho, lmao

     maybe we should. no offense, but I don't want my ask box filled with questions if I'm alright. I'm fucking dandy. IM FRIGGIN ZAZZED. or in this rare case, IM FUCKING ZAZZED. I probably should tell the peeps that I'm ok

     well, never mind then, Avery already beat me to it. thnx babe. "emvry is real" ok. first it went from us being over, and now emvry is real. ave's ur gonna confuse the frickity frick out of everyone tho. like chill. just, c h i l l.

     EMVRY IS CONFIRMED AND EVERYONE IS FREAKING OUT. apparently, one of the fanfic writers (aka known as me lmao soz just had to), somehow predicted the future. wowza. they uploaded a short chapter (which u should totally read tho btw if u didn't #spon) about us being over, but then actually being confirmed. o. I'm shocked how fuck someone can do that tho TBH (it's been like 2 days or something and I'm literally still freaking out how I did that jfc). like, woah.

     wtf ppl r sending me and Avery anon hate for being happy about us?? like wtf?? honestly, I don't really care about ppl that unfollow, but like, if u have a fucking problem about my happiness, just shove it up ur ass where no one but urself can find it. ok?

-Avery's POV-
     I'm still shitting myself. everyone is so happy. in this rare occasion, I am so fucking zazzed. like, I just can't actually believe that Emily Marie (last name) is actually my girlfriend. AND NOT IN A PLATONIC WAY. LIKE HER ACTUAL LABEL (for me) IS MY GIRLFRIEND. brb, time to scream it (internally) from the top of my lungs.

     ppl r so salty about me and Emily tho like wtf. Y r u so fucking salty about someone actually liking me, and choosing the word to describe them to me as "girlfriend" like why tf would u be so salty about that lmao

     but whatever, all the unfollowers can suck it, as new one are coming in fast. speaking of which, I feel bad for all of the new followers, as they probably have no idea wtf is going on. oops, i should explain in a real quick post.

"so a lot of new followers probs have no idea why tf me and cringe-attacks are so happy, well, cringe-attacks, aka Emily, has been my (platonic) friend for a rly long time (not that long tho actually) and she is now my girlfriend. so carry on"

"whelp, I should probably head out for the night, as it's almost 2 am. oops. Emily should do the same. anyways, love u guys, and thx for all of the love and support, and all the shits and giggles lmao. night fam seeya in the morning m8erinos"

and that's it for this chapter guys, seeya later guys!

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