Chapter 1 - Introduction

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It's Saturday September 22nd 2033. It's. been exactly one year today the supernatural war broke out into the human world. The humans did the thing that they do best and fear what they don't understand. This of course led to them joining the war but against any living creature that was non human.
We learnt the hard way that though humans may be ignorant and close minded, they are not stupid. For example, they created weapons specifically designed to kill wolves, vampires and witches. There were no other supernaturals left since the vampires original plan to kill off all other supernaturals so they could en-slave the human race and control Earth had failed with the humans finding out they existed sooner than they anticipated it obviously scuppered their perfect plan.

However they had managed to rid earth of all other supernaturals bar wolves and witches. My father says they were saving the best for last which always makes me giggle. The wolves and witches had joined forces to protect one another against them and it was working until the vamps foolishly revealed themselves to the world by accident and not only that but they couldn't have left us out of their mess, no, they revealed our kinds existence too starting this full scale war.

Instead of fighting a losing battle against the vamps and humans, my father ordered all werewolves to head to the mountains, forests,woods and National parks. All packs followed his orders gladly, his plan was let the humans and vamps fight in a war losing numbers while we relocate to our roots and build large scale camps, living in peace and harmony till they destroy each other and at that point we will come out and take over Earth ourselves.

All packs over the world created homes and cabins in the woods they chose to form packs in to live a perfect wolf life.

The witches soon joined us and in exchange for our protection they used their magic to deliver toiletries and foods we couldn't use from our surroundings. They also put spells around their chosen packs whole forest to alert all wolves of any intruders, we set traps all over the forests we inhabited. The wolves got to know their new home like the back of their hands so any intruder or army would be decimated without one wolf or witch casualty.

The King and Queen of the wolves aka my mother and father lived in Yosemite National park along with the witch queen. Our mountains and forest had the most amount of wolves and witches living together. We lived in peace and had everything we ever needed. I loved living in the national park learning about our surroundings, our origins. My cousins and friends were here and we had a whole forest to play hide and go seek. My family seemed happier in the castle our kind built to show off our royalty.
My family was everything to me, I will start with my mother. She is the most beautiful and kind hearted women you could ever wish to meet and my father, he is the bravest and most handsome man I knew. He also made sure all wolves knew the story of the sacrifice his grandfather made to create Alphas and Betas, but that story is for another time.
They were both very powerful and loved me and my brother fiercely. Speaking of my big brother, well he was the best and taught me special lessons on how to fight. He got most of our mothers physical characteristics. He got her jet black hair and deep hazel eyes, but my dads chiselled jaw and body structure. I got my dads bleach blond hair and piercing azure eyes but my mums plump pink lips, small nose and high cheekbones. I was tall for my age, at 4 years old I was as tall as most of the boys.

I was pulled out of my thought process when I remembered I was in the middle of my favourite game, hide and go seek so I carried on heading towards the Far East near the end of the forest to hide. We were wolves so we could go super far from each other and use our scents to find each other. Our teachers encouraged us to play this game so we could strengthen all our special abilities. I knew I wouldn't be found anytime soon because being a royal I could turn my scent off and only a royal could do that but that was cheating so instead I went to the edge of the forest where I knew my friends would be too afraid to venture out too. I was also scared but my curiosity always got the best of me.
Eventually I found somewhere to hide and went underneath a bush and waited to be found until I heard a twig snap behind me about a mile back. I couldn't ignore that nagging voice in my head telling me to go check it out, so against my better judgement I went to do just that. I hid behind trees trying to be as stealth as possible darting from tree to tree until I got to where I heard the twig snap. I sniffed around and smelt something I'd never smelt before, it smelt amazing like roses but like most the beautiful roses in the world as weird as that sounds. I was drawn to it as if it was a magnetic force, my feet took me towards this smell until I reached the line where the forest ended and I stopped myself just in time before I stepped over the line. If I stepped over the line, vampires could eat me and I didn't want that, well at least that's what my mum and dad said. They said if I ever went over the line I could be sucked dry by vampires and I didn't fancy that at all. Just thinking about it brought a chill to slither down my spine so I decided to turn my scent off so I couldn't be sensed but after turning it off I was brought out of my thoughts by a heavenly chuckle.
I jumped out my skin and to my surprise there sitting on beautiful brown Stallion only a few feet away was the most beautiful women iv ever seen in my life. She was just magnificent and me being a child just blushed beet red at her beauty.
Shiny jet black hair that shimmered in the sunlight making her look like an angel, piercing vibrant green eyes and rosy red lips to match her scent. She truly gob smacked me, I didn't understand what I was feeling but butterflies seemed to have gone off in my tummy.

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