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"So how do you exactly work these things...?" I extend my wings, watching as everyone else laughs.

Brian's father nudges my mate and he whispers, "You should teach him how I taught you." An evil smirk stretches along Brian's face as he struts over to me.

"Brian?" Suddenly his arms are around my waist and were rocketing into the sky. "Brian!" I yell through the hiss of the wind flowing around us as we continue upwards. I close my eyes for a moment and suddenly Brian stops.

I look towards the ground instantly regretting it and squeezing my eyes shut. "Matt, you know I love you with all my heart right?" I nod as he presses a soothing kiss to my lips, but suddenly his grip is lost and the screaming wind is back.

I shoot my eyes open and I fall downwards, the ground creeping closer and closer by the second. My heartbeat quickens and my vision becomes sharper, I can Brian as clear as ever even as I drift farther and farther away from him.

I flip myself, steadying and balancing myself as my wings hit the swift air rushing past me making my body pull itself upwards, stoping my descent only 40 or so feet from the ground.

"You make a good demon, Matt." I shoot my head towards the now descending Brian and follow him down. I fell on my face the first time I tried to fly! Then again I was 4 and your 29, but still..." He chuckles, shivers and goosebumps run down my back as he slips his fingers into mine.



"Why couldn't we find a motel or something to stay in for the night? It's nearly four in the morning and I'm tired..." Matt whines out for the tenth time.

"Matt, we have no money on us. At least I don't and besides, I want to go back to your house." I send a wink his way; his face turns into a tomato when I did so and I just had to give his hand a squeeze and he returns the gesture by squeeing back.

"Hey Brian..." Matt whispers slowing and making us drift behind the mass.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Now that I'm a demon do I have to feed on... you know... humans?" I shake my head.

"No, you could always live the life like Zack chose. Feeding on animals instead, it's not as healthy for you as it would be to feed on humans, I mean you can even feed from a Demon." I let out a chuckle, and he sends me a horrific look.


"Yeah, I mean not just any Demon, it has to be a Demon your mated with of course. It doesn't harm them like it would for an animal or a human, because as long as it's with your mate it'll heal as long as the two mates... well mate." I send him a smile and he shy's away, I don't even have to read his mind to know what he's thinking. "We could.. do the whole mate bite thing if you wanted, but I truly don't want to force you into anything..."

"Yeah..." His voice was nervous and shaky, but not for the reason you would think. I could tell by his expression he was embarrassed thinking about the Mating Bite, he wasn't afraid to do it just embarrassed.

"Hey, lovebirds!" I almost give myself whiplash from how fast I turned my head, "We're almost there, only a couple miles ahead!" Jimmy shouts back at us, I pick up my pace, Matt doing the same as we caught up with the rest of our group.


We had all landed and were gathered together, Brian standing to the side while I gave hugs to my newly found friends and Zacky too.

Every one said nearly the same things when saying they were happy to have me back.

"Even though I haven't known you for long, I have a feeling we'll be and are already great friends for an eternity!" Jimmy had said.

"I'm sorry that it took blood, death, and many tears for me to learn that your love is not one to judge and say is wrong, but for me... for everyone, to except. I'm glad to see you well and alive, Matt." Johnny had said.

"You are my best friend, I love you to death, Matt. When you had died, I nearly died myself and so did Brian. I and everyone else standing here are so happy to have you back, don't ever put yourself into danger, because I don't know what I would do if something like that had happened to you again." Zee had said.

"Though I'm the newbie to the group, and I know nothing about you. I accept you and I'm proud to say I fought for you and Brian. Hopefully you'll accept me also, Matt. Glad to have you back." Arin had said.

"I know that you will treat my son well, Mathew. I'm putting his safety into your hands, and his into yours. I wish you two the best of luck. Your love shines brighter than any couple of Mates that I've ever seen. Glad to see you back Matt!" Said Brian's father.

Through all of their words said I was nearly in tears. I was so lucky to not only have my best friend and my Mate, but a family. After a few hugs were given that had all flown off to go to their own homes, which left only Brian and I.

I turn towards him, the look he was giving me looked like he wanted to pounce, and I wanted to do just that to him. His lips capture mine and there was nothing soft about the kiss. It was rough and sloppy; our lips molded together perfectly, like we were made for each other, though... I guess we were.

His hands found their way to my hips, pulling me forwards and into the house, our lips never leaving one anothers'. He let out a shaky moan and I slowly trailed my lips down his neck, biting into the smooth skin.

"Are you sure you want to do the Mating Bite?" His voice was hushed, almost to a whisper.

"Yes." He nods to me, stretching his neck out further, allowing better access to his throat. Slowly I sink my newly formed fangs into his throat, the blood trickles into my mouth and down my throat.

I had expected it to taste like metal, but I was truly wrong. There was no true way to describe who good his blood had tasted. It was just... Brian.

A/N- Sorry about the long wait, school has just been a bitch over the past week or so. Anyways sorry if this chapter sucks, it is un-edited and I suck at smut, so don't be expecting that from this story. Sorry if you're disappointed about the no smut thing, but yeah...

Anyways, if you liked 'CHAPTER FOUR : COMING HOME...'






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