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Six seconds since I've last felt like I wanted to die.

Five minutes since the last time I've cried.

Four hours since I've last thrown up.

Three days since I found out my father was alive.

Two weeks since the last time I've showered or even moved from my crouched position in the corner of this room and,

One month since Matt died.

To say the least I was miserable and I hadn't eaten since Tuesday when Zacky forced me to drink from an animal he had caught from the woods. It was now Sunday, and I had obviously lost a ton of weight. My normally tanned skin was now pale, and I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep; I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I wanted to.

Every time I fell asleep Matt would always fill my dreams saying the same things each time I dreamt, but I know that he was dead and I was probably just going insane from lack of food or something...

But every time I went to sleep, Matt would appear and he would always say, "I won't see you tonight, but soon..." And then I would wake up, I didn't want to go to sleep after the fifth time I had the dream. I didn't want to wake up sobbing into Matt's pillow, because he's not here but haunting my dreams instead. It's like a fucking nightmare!


"Do you really think they'll be able to help, I don't want to tell Brian about this and have it not work, Arin. He's already having a hard enough time at the moment..."

"Zacky, love, trust me, okay?" His hands find their way to my face, cupping my cheeks. "I've even dabbled in this voodoo shit too, it works. It's just a matter of if it's too late to resurrect the body or not..."

"Okay, so we tell Brian?"

"Yes, but not today... I have to call some old friends and find out where they're hiding at before we can do anything. So how about Tuesday? We'll fly out tomorrow morning and we'll most likely arrive at night which works best for them..."

"Okay, tomorrow then?"


A/N- This chapter is really short, basically a filler chapter so that we can move on in the next one. But PLEASE if you liked 'CHAPTER TWELVE : I WON'T SEE YOU TONIGHT'





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