Ensign Danielle Janeway turned around in her seat at the table. Someone was watching her again, and she knew who it was.
She didn't know how much more of this she could take. Since her first day on Deep Space Nine a little over a month ago, Dani had noticed that he'd been following her. At least it seemed that way. It seemed that every time she looked up, he was there, watching her. She knew she was probably exaggerating the whole situation in her mind, but it was odd how a man who didn't really have a visible purpose on the station could appear to be everywhere all the time. The whole situation put her somewhat ill at ease because the man watching her was none other than Dukat. Dukat, the former Prefect of Bajor. Dukat, Captain Benjamin Sisko's arch rival. Dukat, the egomanicac. She could go on. This man had once been one of the most powerful men on Cardassia. He had also been responsible for some of the most atrocious acts during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. From what Dani had heard, he was one of the most charming people one could ever meet, but he was also one of the most dangerous. It was a deadly combination.
What did he want with Dani? Part of her welcomed the train of thought quickly ensuing. It would give her the opportunity she'd been looking for to take her mind off Will. The fight they'd had was horrible. Dani and Will had both said things that were harsh. 'Those harsh words,' Dani thought, were enough to put a large dent in their relationship. They'd separated after the argument.
Tora Ziyal sat down accross from Dani at the replimat, and rescued the Starfleet ensign from her thoughts.
"Well, hello," Ziyal said, joining the 24-year-old human for lunch.
"Hello, Ziyal," Dani greeted. She'd met the half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian young woman her first day on the station, and they'd become fast friends after that initial meeting.
Ziyal immediately noticed that her usually chipper Starfleet buddy was now somewhat sullen. "What's the matter?" she asked Dani.
Dani pasted a smile on her face. "Nothing."
"Nothing?" Ziyal asked skeptically. "Then why haven't you touched your food?"
"It's still hot," Dani said.
"It's Terran chilli," Ziyal observed. "It's supposed to be hot."
Dani put her fork down and gave up the act. "Things aren't going exactly as I thought they would a few years ago," she admitted. "And now, I think it's finally starting to sink in."
"How so?" Ziyal asked.
"Well, for one thing, I expected to be posted on a starship, not a station."
"Space stations need just as many good officers as any starship. Probably more."
Dani considered this for a moment before continuing. "I guess you're right about that," she said. "But I also expected to be making wedding plans by now."
"Oh. I see." Ziyal understood perfectly what Dani was talking about. Dani had told the older woman all about her failed relationship with Will Riker. Only then, Dani had appeared to be very nonchalant about it. Now, she appeared just the opposite. Ziyal was for the first time beginning to see how deeply this all had affected her friend.
"I don't even know how it all happened, Ziyal," Dani was saying. "I always thought we were so secure in our relationship. It happened so fast."
"I know it's difficult to accept, Dani, but maybe it just isn't meant to be for you two," Ziyal comforted. "If it is meant, you'll find your way back to each other. If not, you'll find someone else."
"That's what I have to keep telling myself." Dani reflected for a few moments. "It all makes me think, though, that my parents were right. They said it wouldn't last. We tried so hard to prove them wrong, but in the end, we couldn't."
More Than a Lifetime #4: A Love Less Ordinary
أدب الهواةDani Janeway has graduated from the Academy and is on her first post Ops on DS9. She's also newly single. When she meets someone new, is it a rebound, or is it actually genuine? Story #4 in the "More Than a Lifetime" series Author's Note: This story...