Chapter 1

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The young alimon bowed her head. She closed her eyes as the large claw was placed against her shoulder. She ignored the sharp sting as the claw was dragged along the skin, creating a small red mark.

"Your new name is Blackhole."

The alimon reopened her eyes and stared up at the adult who stood before her. Her head only reached to about the middle of his neck. She stood up from her seated position and kept her head low. She would not move until he said so.

She could feel everyone's eyes on her. She could feel the eyes of her proud mother and father, the leaders of the pack, as she was given the honor of her permanent name. This was a right of passage. For the first time, she truly felt like she was an adult. She wanted to assert her new rights. She had earned them. If only all members of the pack shared this quality.

The alimon who stood before her had gone silent. She waited quietly for him to continue. The ritual was not yet done. She had to wait for one more thing.

The choosing.

"I have spent many sun days and moon days watching you. It is hard to believe how rambunctious you used to be. Now look at you." The alimon smiled wildly. "You have grown up to be a fine example of what an alimon should be."

It took a while for Blackhole to stop the warm swelling of pride in her chest. She did not want to let herself get too worked up. She knew what happened to alimons who took too much pride in what they do. She simply bowed her head in respect.

"Based on what I have seen, I know exactly where you will be placed."

"What have you chosen, Browndwarf?" Blackhole asked in a silent and respectful tone.

She tilted her head slightly up and looked at the alimon. The mentor of her pack, Browndwarf, truly lived up to his name. He was among the shortest of the pack and with scales and tall neck feathers almost the same color. Even his stripes were faded, and only a little bit of his belly was light-colored.

This reminded her of herself in some ways. Her stripes, despite being lighter than most, were not as noticeable as others due to her scales being so dark brown, they almost blended in. Her grey underside, however, was easily noticeable.

"You will be assigned to Icane's pack." Browndwarf stated.

At this, there were many whispers and murmurs.

This reaction did not evade Blackhole. Her eyes widened and she wondered if Browndwarf knew what he was doing. To be assigned to another pack meant she would have to break off loyalties with her birth one. It was a hard decision to make and it was only ever suggested if there was something to gain from it. But she did not know if she could say goodbye to her home. She wondered why Browndwarf would do this.

She knew the rules of being assigned to another pack. She was not to speak about her life here. She was not to tell the names of anyone. She would not be allowed to come back except with permission and an escort. Her life would begin anew. That was such the way of her people. There was nothing she could do about it.

"I know you are shocked." Browndwarf said. He looked down at her, his expression soft with sympathy. "But you should be proud. Icane's pack is highly esteemed. You will learn much there."

Blackhole knew the best thing to do was to keep quiet and let him finish. But her curiosity was getting the best of her. "What is my assignment?"

Browndwarf pulled his head back. He turned his head and glanced at the alimons in the immediate area. He gave a proud smile as he looked back down at Blackhole. His voice was somewhat booming, loud enough to let everyone hear him. "You will go there to study to be a seer."

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