Chapter 2

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Blackhole paced back and forth in her sleeping chamber. Normally, the grooves of the curved walls, the sight of her various, colorful knots, and the decorated skull from her most successful hunt would be enough to relax her.

But not today.

She had been restless ever since the announcement earlier. She could hardly relax or think of anything except what she was going to do. Browndwarf's words continued to echo in her head. She turned her gaze downward as she let them permeate her skull. She knew she had to make a decision soon. Time would run out.

She was not sure how long she would need. Two days was a generous amount of time. Normally decisions had to be made in a single day, whether sun or moon. But her decision was so important, her mentor allowed her double the time.

It was still hard.

She sighed and turned her head towards her nest. The straw had been neatly padded from her mother cleaning her sleeping chamber. An embarrassing thing, considering how old she was. Nonetheless, she was still grateful. She moved towards her nest and she rested inside of it, curling her tail towards her settled body.

Being in the comfort of her nest did help her mind stop spinning so much. With her more relaxed, she attempted to think about the decision with a more clear mind. Even relaxed, she still found it diffcult. How would she be able to choose?

And was there even a choice? She had heard tales of how alimons were disgraced if they rejected such a high honor, even if there was a reason for it. She gritted her teeth. She wondered why there was even a choice if she would be ridiculed for it.

However, she did not want to disappoint her parents. She was not so interested in her packmates. She was a loner. But her parents, she had constant contact with them. How would they treat her after she rejected the offer? Would they even see her as their daughter still? She remembered one alimon from long ago, whose name escaped her, was disowned by his parents. Would the same happen to her?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the pattering of footsteps. She raised herself up and gave the nod of greeting as her parents walked into her sleeping chamber.

"Having a hard time deciding?" Her mother was the first to speak.

Blackhole gave a half smile. "You always could read me well."

"Of course." Her mother smiled. "I am your parent."

"As am I. If you need any help deciding, you can speak to us." Said her father.

Blackhole considered this. She had been alone for a few hours since the meeting. She had closed herself in her sleeping chamber to think by herself. She had thought that she would have decided by now. Yet here she was, still with no decision. Perhaps she could use the help.

Her father appeared to notice her expression. "We will be glad to help. We will not decide for you, however. That is up to you."

"Yes." Her mother said with a nod as she moved forward. "And no matter what you choose, remember, we will always love you." Her father nodded in agreement.

Blackhole smiled at this. She could feel something surge in her chest at her parents' affirmation. She fought against the urge to crash into them and give them a nuzzle. Such behavior was not appropriate for an alimon her age.

Despite their reassurances, she still had doubts. It was easy for them to say this now. She had not made up her mind. If she were to decide not to go, would they be able to hold up this encouragement?

She could feel her mother press her head against her. Their warm scales rubbed off on one another as they nuzzled. The sensation almost helped her feel better.

Keyword: Almost.

"Regardless of what you choose," Her father came over. She could feel his tail drape along her front leg for a second, a move of comfort. "We believe you are capable of great things. If this is not your calling, you will find another. Perhaps something even greater."

Blackhole nearly chuckled at this. She could not fathom anything greater than the role she had been tasked with. Not many alimons got to be seers, and even fewer got to be translators. There were not many positions above that. She felt that her father was really shooting in the air to think that she would ever find any greater positions of honor.

She did feel somewhat better. She felt herself relax more. The feel of her parents' gentle touch and their calm words helped.

But she still could not shake off her trepidation. Either decision left her uncertain. She did not want to shake this honor and disappoint her parents. But she also did not want to risk her life, even if the job was honorable.

Which should she choose?

Her legs felt like mud and before she knew it, she collapsed into the nest. She could feel her parents' worried stared on her, but she did not answer them when they called. She just rested her head on the ground, feeling exhausted from the strength of this decision.

"I suppose a rest would be in order. Not many are faced with this kind of decision." Her father said as he raised his neck up over her. "Your mind must be burning now from the stress."

Blackhole was silent and simply nodded her head.

"How about we lay with you, dear?" Her mother laid the bottom of her jaw on her head. A move only made when trust is great. "We will keep you company."

Her father moved in a little closer. "Relaxing is so difficult when you are alone. Let us help you."

Blackhole smiled in appreciation at this. She still had some temptation to tell them to leave and leave her be. But their offer was even more tempting. She could not do this with any other pack member. Only her parents.

At her nod, her parents came into her nest. It was al ilttle small for them all, but they managed to fit. Her parents occupied the opposite sides of her and she could feel their warmth against her body. Their heads rested on her body. She could feel their jaws moving as they each gave a small yawn. Their tails wrapped around hers in comfort.

Soon, with the silence of the room embraced by the comforting warmth of her parents, Blackhole found herself falling asleep.

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