Chapter 1

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It has been three months since Yugi and the others have started training. The Yamis have gotten stronger along with the Hikaris. Right now they are on the egyptian sands, training and working hard.

"Atem keep your power level the same as mine, so we can work together. You can't go higher or lower than my power." Yugi said.

"Alright." Atem panted as he focused.

It was really hot, and the Yamis were starting to get tired.

Bakura paused for a moment, only to earn a kick to his stomach by Ryou. He fell backwards onto his butt and panted harder. Ryou shook his head and helped Bakura back up.

"Bakura, focus. You can't keep leaving spaces and openings for me to land a hit." Ryou sighed.

"Sorry, love. I'm just really tired, and the heat is getting to me." Bakura panted.

"It is ok." Ryou said, as he healed Bakura's stomach.

Meanwhile Malik and Marik were sparring with their whips. Marik slowed down for a moment, and Malik used his right whip to grasp Marik's leg and make him fall.

"Marik, you have to be able to move faster. You can't slow down for a break unless you want to get hurt." Malik said.

"Ok." Marik sighed.

Meanwhile Joey and Seto were sparring. Seto was about to punch Joey in the stomach but, Joey stopped it and flipped Seto over and onto his back.

"Seto, learn to take every move and use it S an advantage. Don't just be taken down easily with no way out of your situation." Joey lectured.

"Got it." Seto said as he got up and dusted himself off.

"I think that's enough training for today, guys." Yugi said as he wiped away some sweat.

The others nodded and relaxed.

"Yugi, do you know the exact time, we will be attacked?" Atem asked.

"It will be in a few days." Yugi answered.

"Yugi what will happen if we aren't able to defeat them?" Seto asked curiously.

"If we don't defeat them, egypt along with the rest of the world will fall into utter chaos and you guys will be trapped in the Death Realm." Yugi answered plainly.

"But you guys will only be trapped their for seven months like them. If you are able to survive long enough, you may come back to this plain and battle for this world again." Ryou intervened.

"Seriously!?" Marik asked.

"Yeah, it is just as simple as that." Malik shrugged.

"No it isn't." Joey said with his eyes narrowed.

"What? I thought it was." Ryou said.

"It isn't" Yugi said with a sigh.

"What are you guys talking about?" Malik asked.

"What are you keeping from us?" Rtou asked.

Yugi and Joey sighed and looked at them all.

"Ryou, Malik, there's something me and Joey need to tell you guys." Yugi said as he looked down at his hands.

"What?" Ryou asked.

"Ryou, the dark realm, if.... If the Yamis go there, they'll........" Yugi stopped and couldn't continue, and let the tears fall.

"Yugi! What are you not telling us!?" Malik asked.

"If out Yamis go there, they'll forget all about us." Joey answered with his bangs covering his eyes.

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