It's About Ra Damned Time

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Once they had brought the hikaris to the palace, they had brought them to the throne room, where the council was currently discussing the topics of royal matters.

"WE NEED HELP!" Atem shouted as he held Yugi, his eyes were red from the tears he had cried while he was on his way.

His exclamation was answered by the sound of lightning cracking from the sky as Ra appeared before them. In his gracious form, the god stared down at them.

"Do not fear, they are merely under magic entrapment," Ra said.

"Magic Entrapment? Oh for-" Atem cut himself off as he growled and ran a frustrated hand through his hair, "I don't care about that! Tell us how to wake them up! Please!"

The council's eyes widened as they watched their king stand up to a god over his lover. It was rare to see the pharaoh so distraught about things. They didn't know whether to be proud of their king or believe that he is a fool.

However, their gawking gaze was interrupted by Ra, who only chuckled.

"That is simple," he said, "Win the war."

"Win the war?" Seto questioned as he stepped forward next to Atem with Joey in his arms.

"Yeah, we get that!" Bakura growled, "But none of this is making any sense! Memories being forgotten, Yugi and Joey are dead, and so on! What the hell does any of this mean? Why is this all happening and can someone please explain it clearly with no dumb dramatic suspense? I don't need all of this bullshit! I just want the stone cold facts and the truth! I want to know what is really going on and how to bring back my Ryou!"

"I'm in agreement with Bakura! What is going on?" Marik asked as he hugged his love.

"Must I explain everything?"Ra asked as he shook his head.

"YES!" They exclaimed, earning a slight jump from Ra.

"Alright, alright," he grumbled, "Would you all like to see what happened?"

They all waited patiently, silence answering the question. 

"Very well."

To be continued...

Just kidding!

Ra instructed them to lie down and close their eyes. They did as they were told and waited. Suddenly, they felt a ripping pain soar through their bodies. They groaned as they began to feel slightly light-headed.

"Open your eyes," Ra said.

They did, and they were shocked to find themselves staring at their bodies, and the priests gathering around them, worriedly. Atem tried to call out to them, but they didn't hear him.

"You're in another realm, pharaoh," Ra said and walked past him.

"What's going on... What are we?" Seto asked with a scowl as he looked at himself.

He was practically transparent.

Bakura looked at Marik and grinned slyly. Then he punched the other and his hand went right through him.

"Woah," Bakura said. 

Marik grinned and tried to kick Bakura in the balls, but his foot went right through.

"Ha! Suck it!" Bakura laughed.

"This is so freaky!" Marik laughed as he suddenly began to float.

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