Hinako and Yanio

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Atem gasped and groaned as his eyes opened slowly, his vision slowly starting to become clear. As he awoke, he realized that a heavy weight was on his chest. Looking down, he noticed that the other three had landed right on top of him. He let out an annoyed groan as he shoved the others off of him successfully. Finally able to breath, he let out a content sigh as he stood up. Then he looked around and his eyes widened.

The room was quite large as many bright balls of light continued to float around in the space. When he tried to reach for one, a warmth spread throughout his body, even as his hand went through the ball of light.

Hearing more groans and gasps, he turned to see that the others had awoken.

"What the hell are those?" Bakura asked as a ball of light started to float towards him.

Backing away, Bakura moved to push Marik towards the light.

"Oh~ Pretty~" Marik purred as he reached out to touch the ball of light, only for it to move out of his grasp.

"Marik, don't touch anything," Seto said with a sigh, "You might defile it with your hands."

"Hello there," a voice said.

The boys jumped and turned to look toward the voice. In place of the voice stood a tanned girl with long black hair and brown eyes. She wore a white silky dress with a gold crown upon her head.

"May I help you guys?" she asked with a raised brow.

"Um, we're not sure," Atem said as he looked down, "Ra sent us here..."

Her lips formed an "o" shape as she nodded. Then she smiled softly as she approached them.

"You must be the darker halves, I presume," she said as she bowed, "Ra has informed me that you're looking to find out everything about your hikaris, along with Seto's other half then?"

Atem's eyes widened before he nodded. The girl smiled softly and nodded.

"Very well," she hummed, "Have a seat."

She snapped her fingers and five chairs appeared out of thin air. As she sat down in a chair, the boys also sat down as well, except for Bakura, who growled.

"Listen, lady," Bakura said, "I don't know who you are, but we don't have time to sit around! My hikari could be dying right now, and all we're doing is just standing and doing nothing!"

At this, she sent a sharp look toward Bakura, who felt shivers run through him.

"Sit down, Bakura," she said sternly.

Bakura bit his tongue as he nodded and sat down.

"Excuse me," Seto interrupted, "But who are you?"

"I am the one who created your other halves," she said, "I am Hinako."

The boys paused, dumbstruck as they tried to wrap their minds around this.

"I'm sorry, but can you please explain?" Atem asked.

Hinako laughed and smiled softly as she shook her head. Then she waved her hand in the air, and the room changed. There were less balls of light, and this time there was another one of her.

"A long time ago, two creators of souls met with Ra to fulfill a prophecy," Hinako said, "Five souls that were split in half, will bring Egypt into a brighter future and finally close the gates to the Death Realm."

"Close the gates to the Death Realm?" Atem questioned.

Hinako nodded.

"Atem, you may have been born from your mother's womb," she said, "But your soul was made by us."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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