Chapter 3

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As soon as I walked in school I was greeted by Jen and Ella.

"So, how was your night?" Jen asked.

"It was alright, Corey came over to work on our project. And we got absolutely no work done." I said shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

"That's no surprise" Jen said

"Yeah, Corey's like a total slacker. He never gets anything done. And when he does, he usually gets a bad grade." Ella said.

"Yeah, well not this time" I said snapping my fingers.

"Yeah that's right, you tell 'em girl" Jen said.

We all started laughing hysterically.


I walked inside of art class noticing I was the first one. I like being the first one in classes, it's gives me extra time to think.

I was surprised to see who was came in after me, it was Corey.

"Wow you're here early" I said To Corey.

"I couldn't think of an excuse to tell the teacher for being late." Corey said laughing.

"So your lock wasn't actually broken yesterday?" I asked in confusion.

"Nope." Corey smirked

"Why were you late then?" I asked

"I was with my girlfriend" Corey said

"Oh surprise, surprise." I said as I rolled my eyes.

Corey looked at me with a serious face "what is that supposed to mean?"

I didn't say anything and I looked out the window.

"What do you think it means, stupid" I thought.
Class started and I wasn't really paying attention, I was think about how I could get Corey to actually work on this project with me and stop complaining about it.

"Hey Corey?" I whispered.

Corey looked at me, "What?" He whispered back.

"Are you busy tonight?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Can we work on our project tonight?" I asked.

"Uh, sure, but can we go to my house instead?"

"Yeah I guess"

"Great, here's my address."

Corey started writing his address and he gave it to me.

"K, see you tonight." I said winking at him.


I walked in my house and was suddenly greeted by my mom.

"Hey sweetie how was your day?" She asked excitedly.

"It was good, but nothing interesting happened." I answered.

People say that me and my mother are exactly alike. I don't really agree. We look alike, but we act completely different. My mom was always so happy and excited, and I was more calm. My mom has Dirty blonde hair and green eyes, and I had light blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna go to Corey's house tonight to work on our project." I told her. "Ok, are you staying there for dinner?" She asked looking up like we wanted me to. "Maybe, I don't know." I replied, but I was really hoping I wouldn't.


It was 5:30 and I had nothing to do so I decided to go to Coreys house.

"Mom, I'm gonna go now!" I yelled

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