Craving attention

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The first sign we notice when a person falls in love with someone, or at least thinks they're in love, is platonic love.

They might crave to be around them all the time, and the feelings may be mutual.
Well, that was Riley's case.

Since before Riley and Maya could remember, they've always been attached by the hip.
It was never just Riley, or just Maya.
It was always Riley and Maya.

They did everything together, experienced new things side by side.
Even made important life choices together by their special Bay Window.

But, when Riley and Maya entered middle school together, those feelings got stronger.

Sometimes Maya would become jealous when Riley's attention was given to someone else.
Especially someone who could threaten their friendship.

But Maya would never dare to express her jealousy. If Riley was happy with the attention she was getting, then Maya was happy.

Sometimes, Riley found herself jealous when Maya gave her attention to someone else.
Or when someone paid too much attention to Maya, someone that wasn't her.

Riley feared maybe Maya would want to run off with a new crowd.
They'd become distant one day.

But Maya would never let that happen. She loved being around Riley too much.
Without each other's company, where would they be?

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