Ways to express yourself

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After struggling with your complicated thoughts and feelings for another person, you then take the third step to love.

You find new ways to turn your feelings into actions. Even if those actions are small, and somewhat awkward.

Maya's way of expressing her love to Riley was art.
Not only did Riley inspire her paintings, she also inspired her to show the world her talent through songs.

For years Riley would push Maya to sing her songs and show everyone else her special talent.

Riley was the only person that Maya would sing too. Maya sang Riley love songs. Riley took them as a platonic way to show her art.

Maya used these moments to let out her love to her best friend, even if said friend didn't pick up on what was going on.

Maya didn't mind.
She thought it was better that Riley didn't realized this at first. It would save their friend ship.

Over time, however, Riley would get this weird feeling in her stomach.
The feeling she usually got when she hugged Maya, or when they cuddled together in bed.

The notes that came out of Maya's mouth made her heart flutter. Or at least that's what she thought was happening.

As Maya's eyes closed, and as her mouth sang her beautiful notes; Riley admired her best friend.
How beautiful she looked when she showed passion.

Riley wished for the longest time that she could sing like Maya.
She wished she could sound like an angel and use that to show her feelings.

Maybe it would make it feel easier.
Or maybe more genuine.
Riley didn't mind.

She just let the sound of her Blonde  beauty's  song rock her to sleep.

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