Microscopic fears

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It is possible that Riley and Maya have felt shame being together. Not that they were embarrassed of each other, they loved each other dearly. They wanted everyone to know that they were together. Well, not everyone.

At first, Maya and Riley were reluctant to tell their two best friends, Farkle and Lucas. Riley was afraid that this would change how they saw them. Especially after what happened between Riley, Lucas and Maya.

With Lucas' strong faith in God, Maya was worried that he would shame them on the behalf of his Lord.
She didn't wanna hear him preach about how what she was feeling was sinful, that's the last thing she'd stand to listen to.

Riley was worried that Farkle would find their new relationship odd and that he wouldn't agree with it. After all, the three have been best friends for years, what if he felt left out or betrayed.

Maya knew if was silly for them to worry about these little things. They were their best friends, they'd have to accept it no matter what. And if they didn't, that was the end of their friendship.

Maya was also skeptical about coming out to her mother. She just wasn't sure how she'd expect her mother to react.
Katy never showed any signs of being homophobic, she just never talked about the issue.

On behalf of their relationship, Maya and Riley felt that it was best to tell Maya's mom first. Just because she isn't around as much to see their friendship, so naturally without telling her, she'd be the last to find out.

Katy was more than happy. Knowing that her daughter has someone that she loves and cares for made Katy feel warm and secure. Now she could be sure that her daughter was getting positive attention for all aspects of her life.

Seeing her mother smile at the news lifted a huge weight off of Maya's shoulders. Both guilt and anxiety was gone from her system, now that the information was out.

"I just want you to be happy, Maya." Said Katy. "And obviously, Riley makes you happy. She can be there for you when I can't. I'm happy for you too."

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