Chapter 7

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The upside down had come to our lives.From one side,Sam's disclosure about the fact that he loved me.And then all those things I learnt about Naru's past.I didn't know what to do,should I really trust Gina and Sam and never see him again?Or should I better forget about it and just be as I was? I don't know,but about one thing I was certain that I wouldn't mention any of all this to Naru.I was lost with my thoughts and didn't notice that Naru had come to see me.

"Hey darling....did you miss me ?"Only then I saw him,he was sitting beside me in the bed holding my hand.

"A lot" I jumped up hugged him and kissed him.

Then he took out from his pocket a small jewelry box " Look what I have for you" he knelt down and said "Caroline Yienga I promise you eternal love and protection,would you do me the extraordinary honor to marry me ?"

"Yes !!"

He stood up kissed me,after that he took me in his hands and he took me out of that miserable hospital,even if that was prohibited.Meanwhile Gina had gone to find my sister and have a talk with her about my situation.My sister wasn't the kind of person who would shout or yell in addition to me she was very patient in everything ,and whatever she was doing,she did it with love and passion,the same with her job.She was a captain.She had graduate the naval academy in England and now she owned her own ship and she had her own crew.My sister was somehow like me,long brown hair, green eyes with a mixer of blue.When she found her,she was with her navy uniform "Karmen Yienga right ?"

"Yes,and who are you?"

"Gina Romanov"This time Gina didn't need to make anyone do something for her quickly or have everyone's attention be at her.

"And how may I help you?"My sister asked in her usual calm voice.

"I have come to talk to you about your sister Caroline."

"What happened?Is something wrong with Caroline ?"she asked to know with a very terrified voice,she loved me more than anything.The day when all that with our let's say "father" began we came very close.I was always telling her my worried fears and she was there listening me and then she was hugging me and encouraging me saying that everything would be fine.

"Your sister got involved in a gang of drug users and not only that,she is now in love with the leader of that gang and started using drugs too..............."Gina started explain everything one by one to Kai,she told her about my first cardiac arrest and how she and Sam had found me in the street with Naru over me trying to help me everything that had happened since the day she got in this story, the day she got in my life and turned everything upside down,maybe I had started liking her but that didn't mean that I didn't blame her for everything that happened to me.

"I can't believe sister?my little Carol ...?"

"Unfortunately yes...."

"Is there any way to save her ?It's unfair to die so young, I understand that it's her fault that she is in the condition she is now but...."she was talking so sadly as if all the hopes were lost.

"Only if we found her a heart.....which I doubt"

"I'll give her mine "she said after a while,with a certain voice,ready for everything.

"No!No way!"Gina was shocked she almost yelled,my life had become a nightmare,and she already knew how it was to lose someone you love and care,she had lost her daughter too and now she had me as her daughter so she wouldn't let my sister to destroy her life too.

"I will,all in all what's the meaning of my life?!"

"Why you say so ?You are young,beautiful,clever"

"What's the point in all that if you can't transfer all those characteristic to a child, to make family?"

"Why?You can't?I'm sure that you're gonna find someone,get married and have family."

"Gina I can't have children ....not anymore."

"What?But why??"

"I had some problems with my health and after a lot of failed treatments they took out my matrix" That was something that caused her sadness always after a lot of things she had passed the doctor or I should say our "father" told her that she is not able to have children any more.

"I don't know what to say...........but even in that way you can adopt a child,there are so many children wihtout parents who look for a family,for someone who will give them dearness and love."

As I have told you there are a lot of things we still don't know about Gina's past,'cause I am sure there is a reason that she referred to orphan children.I know very well Gina in order to be able to say that she never tells or refers to anything without a reason,take advantage of the fact that she was persuading me to stay away from Naru, what we find out in the end?She is his step-mother, so there is something more serious and deep-meaning for her that she brought up the topic about orphan children.

"I know,but I would like it if it was my blood" she replied.I agree with her,adopting a child is not a bad idea but is not the same with having your own child,all in all is not only the child....all that nice feeling of pregnancy,the feeling that gives you when the child kicks you for first time,the joy that gives you the first time you see it from the ultrasound and hear his heart beating,the pain of birth,all that is a completely different feeling........a feeling and moment that every woman want to feel and live.

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