seven; funeral

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Mia's P.O.V

Today is the day of Lukes funeral.
I am dressed head to toe in fluorescent exercise clothes.  
I have decided today is the day I start my new career as a mass murderer.
I sharpen my knives and plan out how I will do this.
I think I will kill the boys (Ashton,Calum,Michael) , then Lukes family.




*At the funeral*
I get a lot of rude looks, so I respond to them with something like "whatcha looking at ugly mofo" or "I know I look sexy af but cmon save it for later"

We all sit down and I sit down too but careful not to squash anyone else. Liz, Luke's mum is about to make a speech but as she gets up to the podium my phone rings.
My milkshakes starts to ring very loudly and I get up and dance. My boobs jiggle as I move up and down. People give me disgusted looks so I get up and strangle the haters with my Lycra sports scarf.

Liz continues her speech but I am angry she didn't join the dance. So with my magic I knock every one out, and hide the bodies in the back of my white van. Then I go back to grab Luke's body for sentimental purposes.

Shoutout to ash and Ava who helped me write this masterpiece of a chapter
Peace out

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