Good Last Memories of Australia

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After about 2 hours of driving after our little crash Harry pulls over and quickly gets out. At first I thought he wanted a break of driving but he was in a rush to get out. I quickly unbuckle and get out of the car chasing Harry. He jumps over a barbwire fence.

"Harry wait up! What are you doing?" I yell. He runs back towards the fence like forgot something. But he meets me at the fence and lifts me up over it. As he puts me down he kisses me.

"Making a good last memory for Australia!" He says as he puts me down. He grabs my hand and we run over to a cow lying next to a dam in a paddock. Then I see it. It's having a baby! When we get to it our hands part and Harry puts his hands on the cows belly and I run over to her new baby that's almost out. Harry is rubbing her stomach talking to the cow. What a dosh! I grab the calf and very gently pull her other half out. The cow is mooing and making a lot of painful sounds. Harry is acting so calm and relaxed.

Eventually the calf is born and the cow looks so happy. Harry looks even happier! He has the biggest, proudest smile on his face and he walks over and hugs me. I grab his hand and pull him to a dam to wash our hands.

"That was amazing Harry!" I say looking at him. He didn't look back he just had an evil grin on his face. Suddenly he picks me up and throws me into the dam. I decide to mess with him a bit, so I stay under and blow out creating bubbles; I swim into several different places blowing bubbles while at the same time staying under the water. Harry is probably getting worried now so I just sit at the bottom of the dam holding on some weeds. I start to lose my breath so I swim around and jump at him and pull him in. We both jump out from under the water and harry flicks back his hair before picking me up still in the water. I wrap my legs around his hips and we start kissing.

When we finished 'washing off' in the little dam we sat under a tree to dry off in the sunset. Harry and I are just lying their looking at each other smiling; he has his hand on my stomach and occasionally rubbing it with his thumb. We didn't need words because it was already perfect. Then Harry gets a stupid smile on his face again.

"Hey," he says grinning. Oh no it's one of his puns again. Talk about a way to wreck a perfect moment!

"Harry no not th-"

"There was two cows trying to drink and one cow wanted the other to scoot over so it could drink. What did it say? Guess!"


"Moooooove over!" it was so obvious what it was going to say but it was so stupid I couldn't help laughing! The worst thing is that when I laugh he thinks it is funny and it encourages him to do it again. I think it's mainly the stupid face he makes before the pun and the proud, convinced face he makes after that makes me laugh. I get up and start walking towards the car.

"No babe! Come back I won't do it again." Harry yells chasing after me.

"We have to get going now anyway." I yell as I jump over the barb wire fence. I cut my knee and I fall over the other side screaming. I just can't manage without Harry! Harry starts sprinting over and when he jumps over the fence he rips his black skinny jeans, I don't think he notices because he is too busy helping me.

"Are you alright?" Harry says panicking.

"Yer I'm fine. I can handle it." I get up and start limping towards the car. The blood is streaming down my leg but I just look up and keep walking. Then suddenly Harry lifts me up and carry's me the rest of the way. Before we get in the car Harry rips his black shirt he is wearing and ties it around my leg stoping the blood. We get in the car soon after and we finish the road trip to the airport.

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