I Only Want Perfect

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 "Ok go girl!" Perrie says pushing me out of the car. I look at Harry's door step and I am extremely nerves. The girls got me dresses in some black skinny jeans, high heels, a green silky singlet/blouse and a denim jacket. El did my makeup and hair. She says I look 'extremely gobsmacking' and Perrie says I look like her cousin. I look back at them and they just wave and drive off. Then I look back at the door and start walking up the steps. I get to the door and take a deep breath. Then I knock.

"Just a minute!" Harry yells. I hear him stomping around the house and then I hear something smash. What is he doing?

"Shit!" He yells. I start giggling. I hear a few more movements and then I hear the doors unlock and it opens.

"Hello Sally." He says looking at me up and down with a shocked face. All I want to do is run in and kiss him and say how much I miss him, but I am supposed to be angry with him so I stay calm and just put on a faint smile.

"Um, come in! Come in," he says opening the door wider. I walk and look for any broken pieces, I see nothing.

"So um I made dinner for us but err... if you're not hungry we don't have to eat." He says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"That sounds good." I say taking off my jacket and putting it on the couch. Harry turns to walk to the kitchen I follow him. But then he stops, he runs his hand through his hear before turning to look at me with a serious look on his face.

"I didn't want to stuff it up again!" He yells. It made me jump because I wasn't ready for that!

"I felt so damn bad about what I did to you when you weren't ready and I just didn't want to stuff it up because I really like you. Like I REALLY like you." He says making me start tearing up.

"I'm so sorry I acted like such a dick through all the time you were pregnant. I just didn't know what to do! I only wanted it to be perfect so you didn't think you were just another girl because you're not!" I am speechless at the moment. Now I don't know what to do. But then suddenly Harry walks over and grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. It felt so good! It has been so long since he last kissed me properly. I jump up and wrap my legs around his hips never letting our lips part. Harry walks down the hall to our bedroom and stops at the door. He puts me down and looks at me.

"You are so beautiful and I am so sorry." He says wiping away one of my tears that just fell down my face with his big, soft thumb.

"But I just can't do this. I still feel bad!" Harry says with his head down. I am just about to punch him in the face. He can't keep doing this!

"Can you just do one thing for me?" He says. What could he possibly want now! I just shrug ready to walk out.

"Open the door to my room." I roll my eyes then turn around and open it. Then I gasp.

The whole room was completely transformed into a romantic, red, human-like bed room! There are candles everywhere, he got a new bed head, new wall colours, new bed sheets and it looked like a romantic Chinese kind of room. Red and gold bed sheets were before me, so was a wooden bed head and red wall paper. It looked amazing! I turn around and see Harry giving me a cheeky grin, I start punching his chest. His pranks are so not funny! He pulls me in and kisses me walking me to the bed. Then I feel him grab my new top I brought and rip it down the back pulling it off me from the front. Lucky I brought new bras too! I grab his button up flannel and rip its entire buttons off as I pull it apart. Then we both jump on the new bed and start laughing and kissing. Oh my god I love him! Wait did I say love? Maybe I do love Harry. Should I tell him? I don't want to make a complete fool of myself so I think I'll just wait.

Harry is on top of me kissing my neck and I'm just lying there laughing because it tickles. I eventually roll over until I'm on top of him and I start kissing his neck and unbuttoning his jeans. He quickly helps take them off and then he starts taking off my jeans. Once they are off, Harry slides his fingers from the front of my bra all the way to the back and slowly unclasps them.

"You're beautiful Sally." He says as I pull our bodies closer I could only feel his hot skin against mine and it was amazing!

"Harry. Harry, don't forget protection!" I manage to get out before our last pieces of clothing are taken off.

***Next day***

I wake up with the bed sheets and things everywhere. It makes me giggle as I remember last night. It was so great! Harry went back to the same old cheeky guy I met a year ago. It feels like I am not at our house because his room is usually a clean, white room and now it has life and colour. I roll over to lean on Harry but then I end up rolling and rolling and-

"Ahhhh!" I scream as I fall off the bed. Where is he? I hear chuckling so I get up off the floor and look up to see Harry in his jocks bringing in a plate of food on a tray. I find a bed sheet on the floor and wrap it around my naked body sitting back on the bed.

"Did you sleep well last night?" He asks walking in.

"I honestly don't think we got much sleep!" I giggle as he sits the food on the bed. I lean in over the food and kiss him. Then I smell something deliciously strange.

"Spaghetti? For breakfast?" I ask looking down at it.

"Well it was from last night. But we didn't really end up eating!" He says going back in for a kiss but I quickly look away to tease him. I love payback! Harry groans and punches the bed then he starts crawling across the bed so he is closer to me. I crawl backwards until I'm lying down on the bed with my head on the pillow. Harry keeps crawling until he is on top of me, Harry slowly leans in for a kiss but I giggle and roll off the bed again.

"Are you serious?" He says looking at me funny.

"Well I had to last 8 months of this!" I say getting back on the bed pulling him in and kissing him. I love him too much to not resist kissing him! Shit! There it goes again... Love! When we finally part lips I pick up a fork and start to twirl the spaghetti onto it.

"No! Let me do it!" Harry squeals grabbing the fork off me.

"Ok then..." I say confused of his request. He picks up a piece and shoves it in my mouth. I am a little scared now; I wonder what he did to it. He grabs another hunk of it and shoves it in my mouth as soon as I swallow the first lot. Don't get me wrong I am starving but this is kind of weird. As I chew I feel a hard thing in my food and I spit it out. I look at Harry and he smiles but looks scared and takes a huge breath. What's wrong? I look closely at what I spat out and I see a chain, I follow it closely to where the end of it is and I see a heart shaped locket. I look at Harry confused and he just stares at it like he wanted to grab it and flush it down the toilet.

"Harry what's this?" This has to be the stupidest but at the same time cutest way to give jewellery.

"Open it." He says with his head down smirking. I do as he says and I see a photo of us both when we were at my old high school. That is so cute! I put a big smile on my face and then I read three words that made my face drop in shock. I love you. Does he actually mean it?

"Harry! Do you?" I ask hoping he does. He nods still scared of what I will do. I can't believe he actually loves me!

"Harry, I love you too! I really love you!" I say almost at breaking point with my tears.

"I love you so much Sally too. I don't want to lose you!" He says picking up the necklace and picking out all the little meatballs.

"But you have to be the most stupidest person I know to put a necklace in spaghetti!" I laugh putting my hands around his neck. This was going to be the best day!


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