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Zayn woke to bright sunshine streaming through the window. He carefully sat up being careful not to put any pressure on his stomach. The area still felt very tender but he felt so much better. When the bedroom door  opened and Josiah came in carrying a tray, Zayn was able to give him a genuine smile of welcome.

Josiah placed the tray down then piled extra pillows behind Zayn's back to support him before placing the tray across his lap. "Scrambled eggs, toast and coffee.  Katy said you are muslim and to eat bacon is forbidden to you."

Zayn picked up his fork and started to eat then stopped suddenly as a thought struck him

"Katy knows I am Muslim? How?"

Josiah pulled up a chair and sat down next to Zayn, staring at his hands as he twisted his fingers together.

"It's complicated. We are or I should say were, Old Order Mennonite. You've not heard Katy speak, have you?" Zayn shook his head . " Katy is unwell in many ways. She cuts herself. I know you've seen, she doesn't speak, she's deaf and only uses sign language. Katy and three of my children have Usher's Syndrome. They are deaf and very gradually will go blind. I wanted to get help for them but it meant venturing out into the modern world. We found things that would help but what helped us also alienated us from our family and the rest of our community. It's been hard as Katy and I still cling to our old lives but have also embraced some of the new. Katy is addicted to the internet in many ways so she knows about you. She says you are a famous singer and were in some kind of group. She follows you on Twitter as well. Our actions have caused us to be shunned by others of our community because we are leading sinful lives. I don't believe it, how can it be sinful to ask for help for those you love?"

"No, I don't think it's wrong. I'd do the same myself. I'm sure I would. Twitter! Wow, that's pretty cool but how do you do it. You don't seem to have electricity here and that type of stuff"

"Actually we do, we just only use it when we need to and Katy goes down to the barn where I have an office for my carpentry work. I have Internet for that as people love to buy handmade Mennonite furniture. I'll show you when you are feeling better. I am sure you have people you'll need to contact" Josiah stood up to take the empty tray back to the kitchen.

"Twitter" said Zayn suddenly "She's Katy , Mennonitegurl!!"

"How did you know ?" it was Josiah's turn to be surprised.

"She always tweets such great stuff to me, even to my random tweets. I actually follow her"

"That sounds like my Katy. If you feel up to it, how about sitting in the kitchen for an hour after lunch. The doctor said it would be OK and he'll be along this evening anyway to see you." That said, Josiah left Zayn to his own thoughts and Zayn slid back into sleep thinking just how strange that he should finally meet Katy.

You just can't do enough for some people, I guess. A Zayn Malik SickficWhere stories live. Discover now