Dating Josh and being Pete's sister.

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Josh's point of view.

I sat on the tour bus nervously thinking through what I was gonna say. It was just a normal day, nothing special but today was the day that I was gonna tell Pete that me and y/n have been secretly dating. How's he gonna react? I mean, she is his sister after all.
I hadn't told her that I was gonna do this because I knew she would stop me and I didn't wanna keep our relationship a secret anymore. I wanted the whole world to know how much I loved this girl named y/n.
Pete was walking toward the sofa area in the back of the tour bus, he the. Sat down next to me.
"Alright Josh?"
"Umm, Pete, I got something I need to tell you."
"I know your not gonna be happy about this but me and y/n have kinda been dating for almost a month now. She didn't want you to know but I just thought that you had a right to know. Please don't tell her that it was me who told you please just say that a fan saw us together or something." I fumbled the words out of my mouth and it took a minute for Pete to understand what I had just said.
His mouth hung open as if he was trying to speak but no words were coming out.
"Y'know what McClrorey," he used my second name that meant he was either angry or was going to say something that he wanted me to hear.
"I don't particularly care who my sister dates. She is yet to make a mistake boyfriend wise. But there is something I wanna say to you. If you break her heart I swear I will kill you. You and me would never be friends again and our relationship might end up so bad that the band could even split up all because you broke my sisters heart. So if your gonna date her, make sure that you are certain about this decision."
"Don't worry, I ain't gonna break her heart any time soon with a threat like that." 


Sorry this is only short. I was gonna have a longer one but then I got a request for an imagine that I am really excited about writing so i made this short so I can start the next one which I will try to make as long as possible.

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