Evan helping you revise

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Your p.o.v
You sat in your room laying out endless sheets of paper on your desk with you laptop in the middle. Your maths teacher decided that he was going to give you an exam on Monday and gave everyone in the class a worksheet on each subject that the test will ask questions about so that you can revise what you need to. The problem was that you needed to revise most of the subjects that you'd been given. You say at your desk and looked at the sheets. Some things you new, things you slightly remember but most things you had no idea about. You tried googling methods of working out some things but that didn't help.
You picked up your phone and texted your best friend.
'Are you doing anything today because I really need some help with maths revision.'
You sent the text then looked across you desk sighing loudly.
You phone made you jump in the silence of the room. You looked at the screen to see a reply.
'No I'm not doing anything so I'll come over now and help you. :)'
You smiled and texted him back.
'Thank you so much. Your a life saver.'
Ten minutes later there was a knock at your door. Your heard you mum's footsteps as she went to open it but you shouted down the stairs to tell it was Evan who had come over to help you with your revision while you ran down the stairs and opened the door.
There stood Evan, his arms full of maths sets and revision books. You helped him by taking some of the things out of his arms and carried them upstairs.


Soon you were sat on the chair at your desk while Evan sat on a spiny chair spinning round and round which made you surprised that he hadn't been sick yet or passed out. After revising all the things you're bad at ie algebra, Pythagoras (whatever that even is) you and Evan started practicing the multiples of 8. Even though multiplication was primary school stuff you had never been any good at the 8 times table so for the past 10 minutes Evan had been randomly saying multiplication questions
"64" you replied getting bored.
"No it's 48."
It continues like this for quite some time.
"You've already asked that one"
"I know but you got it wrong so I thought that if I asked you again then you'd get it right so then I'd ask it a third time to make sure you defiantly didn't forget it."
"Fair enough. By the way, 8x6 is 46."
"Well done." Evan smiled.
"I think I've done all I need to do for today. Thanks for helping Ev." You smiled back.
"It's alright. I enjoyed it. Y'know, your gonna do fine in this test. You're smarter than you think you are."
"Thanks but did you seriously just say that you enjoyed teaching me maths."
"No, I didn't enjoy it because I was teaching you maths, I enjoyed it because I got to see you."

Hello lovelies. Sorry that this took so long but I've started writing a seven chapter long book! Woo! Please
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Xx

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